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question about creating worlds


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hello i was wondering if it was possible to set up a boat get on it and go to a whole nother part of tamriel like high rock where you have the new land mass, a new big map and a new small map so i can walk the length of high rock, enter caves and ruins and have new adventures. from what i know about modding skyrim im not sure if this is possible. if i cant do this does anyone know of tuts that could help me just wipe the story and scripts from skyrim and edit the whole world anew. sort of like what people are doing with skywind. im trying to learn a lot about modding this because i would realy like to create highrock to travel in, i have a lot of ideas for it. any advice or tuts that could help with this would be greatly appreciated. thnx
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I'm assuming that tuts = tutorials.


As for whether this is possible... yes, you can build additional worldspaces, and access them through doors, portals, boats, what have you. However, to do it well is a huge undertaking. There are teams working on building some of the other parts of Tamriel as part of Beyond Skyrim series of mods. If you're serious about helping out with such a project, I suggest you check in with them.

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tuts=tutorials? I think?


I am a small-time modder, but I find even small time mods are super time consuming (this is not bad, if you enjoy it)...Still, if you have not done any modding before I think your project is probably too big to manage. Most mods of the scope you are suggesting are developed by teams, most of whom have a fair amount of experience.


My observation is that huge mods that are undertaken by one person tend to crash under their own weight.


I would suggest that if you are interested in modding, you take a small aspect of what you are interested in doing long-term, and work on learning that, then move on to another small part. In this way, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed, and you will be able to have some success, which really helps with staying motivated to learn more. For example, you could start by making a boat that goes from one port to another. Or create a new small land mass, like an island, in Skyrim. Things like that.


As far as tutorials, the Creation Kit wiki has a bunch, and links to some external tutorials as well.

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yes i meant tutorials, and yes i understand modding is harder than it sounds, i have done modding with total war games before and i know its tough. my plan was to learn as much as i could about it, get a portion of the mod done and stable, like say the landmass itself to show im serious and show it to people, and then try to pull a team together of like minded indivisuals to bring it all together. i was just asking around because i haven't found any tutorials on my specific questions.
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Creating a new worldspace is as easy as going to world menu > world spaces, right-click in the editorID list > new.




Bam. New world. Actually adding content to your new world can be quite a challenge, given that some of CKs tools are... a little broken. Even Bethesa doesn't use the CK heightmap editor anymore for world generation. ( http://www.creationk...ightmap_Editing )Here is a tutorial for something that will work.




It's quite involved, but don't get discouraged. You can also edit the worldspace directly with the landscaping tools, but you'll be going at it for a long time.




Linking up your worldspace to Tamriel can be done in a variety of ways, for example, put a boat near a jetty, put in a ship's wheel, put a triggerbox in front of the wheel. When the player enters the triggerbox, have a script ask him if he wants to travel, if yes, use fast travel to move him him and his party to the new world where you've placed a boat and an xheadingmarker.


Setting up triggers



Scripted fast travel




Like I said, you can do it any number of ways, teleportspells, magic carpets, cave entrances with autoload doors, your call.


The nexus is littered with abandoned land mass mods, so I think you'll need something more if you want to draw people in.

Edited by acidzebra
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