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Urgent help needed...


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Sorry to be posting this here but... official foruns have said squat so far...


So i decided to start a new character in order to get ready for the coming expansion Dragonborn. All was fine and well untill i get to Dragonsreach, after i first talk with the Jarl. When he goes to talk to his wizard lakey, he simply stands there, without saying a word. The quest marker is already aimed at the wizard but whenever i go to talk to thim the convo forces me to wait for the Jarl to "introduce" us.


Is there anyway to bypass this? Im pretty much stuck there (main storyline wise) and dont know what else to do, concidering i tried re-loading a savegame before i entered whiterun, re-installing and even remove all mods and try it without them.


Any thanks in advance for any help granted.


Before asking, the mods im using are mostly armor and weapon mods, no change to animations or even quest, with the exception of Paarthornax Dilemma and also Amazing Follower Tweaks, but tried turning both off and it still didnt worked.

Edited by PolarBeorn
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You tried just going ahead to the quest objective and coming back with what's needed? Might just "jump start" the quest.



If you mean the dragonstone thingy, yes i already have it.


The issue is that the Jarl doesnt even start the convo with the wizard for me to be able to deliver it. Whenever i try talking to him just says "you can find the Jarl on his throne"

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