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more enemies mod?


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this one shouldn't be too difficult... or maybe its still too early...

instead of running into a few random yao-guais, giant radscorpions, raiders and super-mutants every once in a while, can't we have larges packs of yao-guai, large radscorpion families, raider patrol units and wandering super-mutant squads?? im thinking like more than 10 enemies at once. vats violence ftw.

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A few migration packs, like Raiders heading to a place, rather than random bunches of Talon Company/Regulators/whoever standing around the corner seems to be a good idea.


I'd rather see some new enemies though, like some giant spiders--where the hell are those >.> Or at least stronger versions of those fly-things, ants, and the like.

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I'd say at least larger Raider groups. It really makes no sense the way they are now, if they were going to loot and pillage a settlement, they wouldn't come two or three people groups. I mean one Yao Guai and a group of raiders is decimated.


Bringing the group sizes up to what they were in the old Fallout games would be nice and make more sense in my opinion.

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Just adding a few migrant groups, some wanderers (nomadic tribals) of both sexes, a slaver group with adult captives and without, a supermutant group with a live captive in tow, raiders with a captured brahmin or two (one would be a pack animal, two or three are rustled for food). Oh, and a swarm of bloatflies around the rotting brahmin corpes we see now and then.


As far as new enemies, I like the idea of a predatory spider, jumping spiders from holes that eat anything smaller than a yao gai or supermutant. And another prey animal, a jackalope, for the predators to feed on but which is dangerous to a lone human hunter if cornered (flees otherwise).

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I totally agree that Raiders should appear in much larger numbers - particularly in obvious Raider strongholds like the Super-Duper mart. That store should hold more like 20 different Raiders initially, as well as a captive or two you can free. IMO it should be a really, really tough fight. Same goes for the countless subway tunnels full of Raiders and places like Springvale Elementary.

The "I've got a lead pipe so lets brainlessly charge this guy with Power Armor and a Plasma Rifle" AI makes a bit more sense if you're thinking pack mentality of a large group of Raiders.

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