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Dragonpriest mask enchants?


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1. Open Creation Kit

2. LOAD, check SKYRIM.esm, OK

3. Object Window, select ITEMS => ARMOR

4. In Filter search the item you want to enchant (like IRONHELMET)

5. Open ArmorIronHelmet and change ENCHANTING to EnchDragonPriestMaskMarble (=name of the mask's enchantment)

6. Save and name the plugin, done

Edited by ghosu
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Also, if you know the enchant ID for those masks, you can use playerenchantobject itemID enchantID enchant2ID while in-game. Some items can't be enchanted with specific things. However, seeing as the masks are an armor type, you can likely use those enchants on rings, necklaces, circlets, any piece of armor, etc. But no weapons.
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