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Fallout 3 GotY Cannot start a new game and no dialouge audio


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Hey there.


I am using Windows 10. Recently bought Fallout 3 GotY edition on Steam. I had issues starting the game. Hitting PLAY in launch menu did nothing. Somehow got through it with a help of a guide on Steam. But i cannot start a new game. I select Start a New Game hit Yes and nothing is happening. Im just in the menu aaand thats about it. So i downloaded a save, i was able to load it and play. Buuut no dialouge audio.. I tried changing the sound from or to 7.1, 5.1 and all the other options that were there.. NOTHING helped. I tried to disable GFWL and nothing, installed GFWL aand nothing.. Tried it with Unofficial Patch aaand nothing.. I am clueless as to what to do..

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Thats first time for me opening that up. So what is anything interesting ? What should i look for?


Edit: Somehow i got it working. Not sure how but everything seems to be working. I can start a new game, dialogue audio is there. So everything is O.K. thanks to everyone who tried to help. Cheers!

Edited by hudakjuraj
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