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I can't start the configuration menu of these mods


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I've recently reinstalled Skyrim and some of the very good mods available.... including Skyrim Redone, Better vampires, Convenient horses and BYOG (Balance your own game). Problem is that in game, when I select the powers to access the configuration menu of these last 3 mods, nothing happens. I select the power, then leave the magic menu to go back in game then what?

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I've recently reinstalled Skyrim and some of the very good mods available.... including Skyrim Redone, Better vampires, Convenient horses and BYOG (Balance your own game). Problem is that in game, when I select the powers to access the configuration menu of these last 3 mods, nothing happens. I select the power, then leave the magic menu to go back in game then what?


Did you actually cast after? Might be a stupid question but figured I would ask anyway just in case that is the problem.

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I've recently reinstalled Skyrim and some of the very good mods available.... including Skyrim Redone, Better vampires, Convenient horses and BYOG (Balance your own game). Problem is that in game, when I select the powers to access the configuration menu of these last 3 mods, nothing happens. I select the power, then leave the magic menu to go back in game then what?


Did you actually cast after? Might be a stupid question but figured I would ask anyway just in case that is the problem.


I can't cast, and that's where the problem is I think..... when I select the power then leave the menu, the power isn't in my hand, I only have my fists ready to fight


Edit: GOT IT!!! I forgot I've remapped the shout key, stupid indeed ;-)

Edited by dzib
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