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Skyrim entirely borken after TFC command while crafting!


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So, I was experiencing a bug where I couldn't craft anythnig due to a animation problem. My character just stoped the animation while crafting, all of sudden, and the menu closed right away. After going through some forums, I came across a "soluton that said just to open the console command (' key) and type "tfc" before the crafting menu opened. After that, I ended up exiting the menu without doing the command again. My game crashed right after and well, I went completely broken. When I relaunched the game, the textures weree kinda "flat", my chars hair (moded)were missing, along with almost every other moded thing, such as eyes, skin textures and even magica effects ( such as flames end etc).Also, even the ENB got messed up, when only a black screen with some weird changing pieces of light were left. My game looks like a low polly Skyrim. I really don't know what to do to fix that, could someone help me through this mess? :sad:

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