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New DLC - Dragonborn?


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Remember that before it was confirmed that the pc gamers would even GET dawnguard that beth didn't say much either.I recall there being a lot of panic and a lot of angry muttering towards the company... Pesonally though, I don't think that the second DLC counted that much. Wasn't that more meant for console gamers then for the pc gamers? I bought it nonetheless on pc but still.


I am still really happy that I didn't purchase it for console though. I couldn't stand the standard way of browsing items and such. Not to mention that the amount of mods I have active have spoiled me rotten. I re-installed the game recently with a random start mod (only thing) and I quit five minutes after to download enough to get it up to my standard.


Although I think that having a 171 mods running is a bit much... My screen does flickers at times... I really don't want to start all over again though...


There should be a number of mods that combine the majority of existing mods together in a way that they don't conflict, probably with a lot of customization options.


Oh well...



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