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A Specialized Request.


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Hello everyone!!!

So I am not looking for people's opinion of how crazy this sounds - or of comments of, "Oh, I think that you think you know what you are talking about." - and I am definitely not here for comments on how High or Insane I might be.


What my specialized request is - is that a unique type of Mod be created that alters or controls the Muonic Hydrogen System behind Skyrim's gaming-software. When I say Muonic Hydrogen - I mean any Math or Algorithm which produces 9 frequencies which span out into these Letter-Sounds (Each one containing a type of Sub-Atomic Biological-Like Action): KL - OhSh - RTh - EeT - AyP - EeIhH - NW - GV - AhSM. The over-all general frequency of this set-up would be something like: 4529 Hertz/or maybe Neutrino-Fluctuations. In the Gaming-System - this over-all frequency would be hidden by every possible Neutrino in the system turning into a single Physical unit of Net Positive Charge. When figuring that Net Positive Charge is AhSM - certain calculations and actions for predicting how to modulate the Muonic Hydrogen System can be made.


I am not the best at this - and so I am looking for someone who provisionally/about is!!!!


So all of this so-far is just preparation - a tool that might be useful in actualizing what I really want.


There is a main paper I have - of everything I want to be programmed into a MOD for Skyrim. This is an experiment - a test. I want magic how it is used in real-life - to be used in this MOD. Every-part of which should be able to be accomplished in a High-Tech MOD environment. Is anyone interested? Let me know!!! Here is a link to all of the components I want involved in the MOD. Reading this paper out-of order makes it exponentially less useful, due to superstition. If reading all of it in exact order - I have Faith that there is a Modder who will be able to help me: https://www.scribd.com/document/437670893/AhLah-Tihn-Mihs-The-Grand-Festival

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A few things.


1. This is highly improbable. Not impossible.


2. It would only work on pc (I'm assuming you ARE playing on PC)


3. This would take an incredible amount of time to make and I don't believe any modder (capable) of furnishing your request would have the availability to do so. ... For free


4. I like this idea and would be nice to see.

Edited by Syddraf
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