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Problem SKSE 1.8


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I'm SKSE 1.6 compatible patch 1.8 I have problems when you interact with a door, barrel, object returns the viewfinder and "pulses" and I do not use the viewfinder, you can remove this thing?

Then in the rescue me creates and saves multiple strange format and if I raise all the files and load the SKSE crash rescue and I, by chance are solving anything?

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Honestly I can't make out what you are trying to say. Maybe that is why you are not getting help. Could you rephrase this?

It seems like you are having a problem when trying to open objects like barrels, that you are using skse 1.6 and Skyrim 1.8.


However I do not know what you mean by the viewfinder and the rescue me?

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Honestly I can't make out what you are trying to say. Maybe that is why you are not getting help. Could you rephrase this?

It seems like you are having a problem when trying to open objects like barrels, that you are using skse 1.6 and Skyrim 1.8.


However I do not know what you mean by the viewfinder and the rescue me?


Then rephrase the question, so when I install SKSE 1.6 compatible with Patch 1.8 of Skyrim, when ingame and interact with something suddenly comes out the viewfinder default of Skyrim and I removed from the Settings menu. How do I raise?

Then when I save and go to the folder "My Documents" there are isaves with files added SKSE, why?

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Can you post a screenshot of your problem, or a video?


Sure look this:


Not interact with the bag there is no crossfire




Interact with the bag out the crossfire and "pulses"




Combat weapon in his hand out the crossfire "pulses"




Sheathe weapon and disappears crossfire



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Sorry to butt in... You want to disable the crosshair, yes? There is an Options setting under Display - you need to scroll all the way down - to turn off the crosshair (pluses). The 1.8 patch reset your preferences.

Hope that is understandable and helps.


Also - the .skse saves store extra data for SKSE. Nothing to worry about.

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Sorry to butt in... You want to disable the crosshair, yes? There is an Options setting under Display - you need to scroll all the way down - to turn off the crosshair (pluses). The 1.8 patch reset your preferences.

Hope that is understandable and helps.


Also - the .skse saves store extra data for SKSE. Nothing to worry about.


Where do I go? If you say ingame settings I disabled crossfire from 11/11/11 mind tell me where to go.

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