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a cooler aela outfit....


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ok, i'm heading to bed after trying to figure stuff out and finally falling into a depression about skyrim se and modding it and nexus mod managar and stuff....

so, to the point, i'm hoping the community can help me out with a postive and maybe find me a cool replacer for her armor that could be like deserterX's ancient draugr, nude but in chainmail.

well hopefully when i wake up later, i might be able to FINALLY play skyrim... as a funny note, i have tried to play skyrim atleast 10 times and each time, i get a mod conflict mid game and have to restart the game or even erase the game completly from my pc just so i can spend a day re-modding... shits depressing as heck

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Word of advice ... not from a Skyrim player but from an Oblivion old salt.


Once you have a load order set don't make changes in mid-playthru.


Sounds to me like you have enough experience with the game to have a pretty good idea what you like mod wise. Spend time getting your load order set and working properly and then spend time enjoying playing. By separating the two tasks (modding the game and playing) you have an opportunity to enjoy each aspect of the overall experience.


When I started my current Oblivion character I spent over two weeks getting the load order for him exactly to my liking (mainly game-play changing mods that offered a chance to customise via INI edits, but some overlapped in function so a balancing act ensued). A lot of that time was spent play testing, and many of those play testing sessions would appear otherwise to an uninformed observer.


Once satisfied I started out with an alternate start mod and I've been playing him ever since. I have a list of things I'll try different for the next guy, but who knows when that journey will begin.

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my god, some one who understands my pain! thank you for this, i mean this seriously, sometimes i come to the forums and just want some form of encouragement or just a idea that i haven't thought of but i usually get "well if you read the whole wiki on programming and modding you'd know what to do"

i mean, i love fallout and elder scrolls, but sometimes, sometimes it just breaks me :'(

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