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CTD whenever I get near Red Rocket settlement.


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Whenever I get near Red Rocket my game just CTD's.

I can't figure out what's causing it, and since I'm playing survival, I don't have any other saves to test it out with :sad:

I have played about a day in the game (in real time, not in-game time), so I've built quite a few settlements already, and none of them caused crashes.

Could someone look through my crash log and mod list to see if they can help?

(Can't attach files, apparantly, so I'll post the log and list in the next posts after this one)

EDIT: Aaaaand apparently I can't post those either... seriously... something isn't working properly on these forums...

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Heyas Oddball. Ugh, that's nasty.

I read thru your papyrus log, and it's got scripts that are failing due to missing references. As well as a lot of missing references to Creation Club Crud. I'm thinking it's not so much your current load order, but scripts that are baked into your savegame which are referencing mods you may have removed or have set for inactive.

One of the main offenders, is a weapon. I noticed a reference for "WaterType" ?


Now I gotta ask, is this the only place where you're getting the CTD?


The fact that you're in survival makes this really tricky, as far as the savegame. If the creation club stuff is inactive, try reactivating it, and see if the crashes go away. Also do you use a mod manager like NMM or Vortex?

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Yeah, it's the only place I'm getting the CTD.

I only have one thing from the creation club, and that's the anti-materiel rifle... because it was free :smile:

I don't recall removing any mods that had scripts in them.

I'm going to go through my mods and see what I can live without... and then I might restart the game from scratch, I suppose :sad:

I'm using NMM

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Managed to scrounge up some old saves thanks to the steam cloud (thank you steam!).

I tried running to red rocket from an earlier save.

It crashed when I approached from concord, while I was in battle. Basically just in range for things to start rendering in at the settlement, I suppose (although my back was turned towards it at the time).

EDIT: A quick thought... could all the missing creation club stuff be from the unofficial community patch?

Here's that log:



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Hey again. OK, first thing, go through your NMM folders, and make sure that all of the mods that you've removed from the game, are removed from the NMM folders too. Sometimes you can find mods that you've removed from the game still hiding there in NMM.

I don't use NMM anymore, so I'm afraid that I can't give you directions to where those folders are tho :(

Looking at your LO, here's a couple of things I found, that aren't related to your current issue, but could cause problems for you later on.


Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour This mod can break the companion scripts that sends them home. (Whatever settlement you have them listed as home, or their default location). When that happens, they essentially continue to follow you around, making continuous idle banter, and will no longer accept commands. You can literally no longer do anything with them. And it bakes into the save games, so there is NO fix for it.

I use Amazing Follower Tweaks, (AFT) which has this option, along with tons of other's for companions. AFT also improves their combat so it may also allow you to relieve your load order of the companion accuracy mods that you have. (Dunno if that affects DLC companions or not tho).

It also makes it so that companions will move out of your way when you bump into them. Not sure if that's why you've got the companion push mod or not.


FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL.esp=1 This mod can cause issues with CTD's


You've got a AWKR patch in your load order, listed prior to AWKR. It needs to be listed after AWKR.


Unfortunately, I don't know about the Unofficial patch, and what it affects. It's a bit too far reaching for my tastes, so I haven't ever installed it.


Ok, so basically you're getting the CTD when the RR cell starts to load. So there's something IN that cell that the game cannot process. Whether it was something that was added by a mod, or something that a mod was able to add, that you added in manually thru the workshop or other means.

It could also be that something in the cell is broken. IF you've updated to the most recent 163 version of the game, try doing a steam verification of your files. If you've rolled back from version 163, don't do that. It will auto update you back to 163.


It's also possible that because of the newest version of the game, some of your mods may not be compatible with the new version. Especially if the new version changed some of the vanilla files that the mods were using. (Beth made a royal mess of some of this stuff!)


The log files themselves don't really show the reasons for the crash. But they can give pointers as to what is failing.


I'd recommend trying a new character, without the suspected mods active. Run to RR and see if it still happens. Do it in regular mode, so that you can manually make saves. Manually copy and paste those saves as backups to another folder, before you try reactivating the mods. As you don't want this problem infecting those saves. You can then replace them, if it does.


That's good that the Anti-Material rifle is the only CC stuff you've got. I always recommend to stay away from it as much as possible. The ESL files that they use for them have some limitations, and the majority of them Are scripted, so it can lead to savegame corruption if those scripts get borked.

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Yeah, I'm gonna clean up my mod selection.

Then I'll start a new game completely.

Gonna try to slim down as much as possible, stay away from most settlement workshop mods.

Try to minimize the amount of scripted mods.

And see how it goes from there...

Thanks for all the help!


EDIT: Also, I'm doing a full uninstall of all the mods and the game, then I'll reinstall the game and the mods in the correct order and see how things work out.

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