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Meshes and Textures not in Data Folder

Wakka Wakka

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If they are in your oblivion folder and not your data then the game is not using them. Move them to your desktop and try the game You shouldn't have any trouble but better to make sure. Then you can delete the files
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  exanimis said:
If they are in your oblivion folder and not your data then the game is not using them. Move them to your desktop and try the game You shouldn't have any trouble but better to make sure. Then you can delete the files

excellent advise, saves beating your pc to death from a mistake..lol

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  octavius243 said:
Meshes and Textures not in Data folder usually means one or more mods have not installed correctly and you will get big, ugly exclamation marsk instead of the correcr graphics. You should moe the Meshes and Textures to the Data folder, but don't let them overwrite anything.


I checked, The meshes and textures are all fine (there are meshes and textures folders in the data folder)

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