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Need tips


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I could use tips because I don't know what I'm doing.


I want to modify the banded iron cuirass. I want to replace the ugly pauldrons without the ugly cloth strap and replace it with a more steel plate style and add fur to the biceps, to give it a more warm look. Then, I would want to make it a replacer so that every banded iron armor generated in the game is like that.


I want to do everything in the creation kit, but I haven't found much in terms of tutorials.


I've tried looking here



But I don't even see the files they're asking me to look for. Thanks for any help.

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You can't edit a model with the creation kit. You'll have to use the programs in the "required tools" section of that tutorial. If you just want to remove parts from the armor you may be able to do it in Nifskope, which is pretty easy. You can edit the texture by just extracting it from the bsa and opening it in Gimp or Photoshop. If you want to add to or change the shape of the armor you'll need to model it with Blender or 3dsMax, which take a long time to learn to use. Edited by ChampionOfHircine
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