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[REQ] TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim - UNP...is not enough!


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If there's no one who wants to undertake this task, let's start a petition....not. ^^


Does anyone know good tutorials for changing armors to the preferred body? I have basic knowledge with Cinema 4D, but it's not quite the best program for doing this. Blender seems much better and I started to learn it's user interface. It's terrible in comparison to C4D. XD

Maybe I start an attempt to convert this mod to the CBBE body...No, I don't make any promises.


Well, if somebody know's good tutorials, a link would be great. ^^


PS.: *push*

Edited by Frigus
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If there's no one who wants to undertake this task, let's start a petition....not. ^^


Does anyone know good tutorials for changing armors to the preferred body? I have basic knowledge with Cinema 4D, but it's not quite the best program for doing this. Blender seems much better and I started to learn it's user interface. It's terrible in comparison to C4D. XD

Maybe I start an attempt to convert this mod to the CBBE body...No, I don't make any promises.


Well, if somebody know's good tutorials, a link would be great. ^^


PS.: *push*


Back when I was trying to learn modding this tutorial gave me a very big push. Unfortunatly I suck at it so I didn't get far.



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Big thx for the links!


I'm working on it. Ok, let's say....I'll try to find out how it works. ;)


The tutorials of Nightasy are very helpful, but I have some questions.


Can I use the "skeleton_female.nif" for the CBBE body? When I import them into 3ds max, then the skeleton don't want to fit the cbbe body. In one scene, I imported one of the TERA armors, the skeleton and the body. Only the body doesn't fit. The armor and the skeleton are matching.












I've done it so far. The CBBE steelgaze hauberk is in the game. But how you can see, there are problems with the neck, hands and feet. Maybe someone has an idea how to fix it?










Ok, I've found the problem with the help of an another thread here in the forum.

Displaced Body

When I import the nif's from the original skyrim folders, then everything seems to fit. So now I completely start at the very beginning. ^^




It was hard work and a long learning procedure, but here it is, the steelgaze CBBE version. The shoulder armor must be optimized a little bit. (One edge is clipping into the breasts)








So, now there only 35 armors to go. XD Goddamn, this would be a lot of work....why I'm doing this? No idea. ;D

Maybe someone posts anything. I need a little bit of feedback guys. :o)

Edited by Frigus
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