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Problems with unexpected shutdowns


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I just ... LOVE Skyrim, but this "difficult" to control certain bugs that present themselves! Have you googled for answers in NET hour at wire ... and still have not found an answer that solved my problem! My game CAI whole time ... I installed an ATI 6850 - 1000MHz, and Intel quadcore - latest model w / 3GB of memory ...

I started the game with automatic configuration (High - reducing the Antialiasing and anisotropic p / better performance (0% - in both)), but continued to shut down the game for no reason! Then I sought response w / install MODs that improve the stability of the game (p activation / use 4GB, reducing the cash, ENB, and others ...), but still remains the same problem!?! ALMA some good ... could you tell me how do I fix this?? I am very grateful for a concrete answer and some ...


Thanks, in advance, the help of my SALVADOR ...



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To be honest, I had a lot of trouble figuring out what you meant with most of this.


For people on the forums to be able to help, explain specifically what's happening.

An example - are you having crashes in certain areas, or after you use certain skills, or talk to a certain person perhaps? There are so many thousands of reasons for random crashes to happen that we really need more information before we'll be able to provide much help.


Also, the 4gb change doesn't apply anymore. Bethesda replaced that with their own version quite a while ago.


Another thing that may help - is this a clean install, or have you had mods running on it? Even if you remove the mods, sometimes remnants of them hang around, causing problems long after you've forgotten about them.

If it is a clean install, are you running it on steam, or a pirated version?

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So ...

Got your message! Sorry if I did not present more specific details about my problems ... but I think, before my tireless search for the NET to find an answer ... I'm not the only one facing this problem. Turns out my game off ... without warning ... anywhere in the game. MODs I have to tell you the truth ... I have installed many MODs, but all, check the descriptions of the author, where the NEXUS.


I discovered that could be caused by an update: High textures patch - the company's own developer of the game. Being that I was instructed to uninstall ... the game completely and MODs ... reintalando the base game and the update patch + + Dawnguard correction Dawnguard - ONLY, nothing more! Then yes, begin to reinstall the MODs for my liking!


I use a ATI 6850 - 1000MHz with, 3GB RAM, processor intel quadcore (latest model).


So I wait again ... contact waiting to know an answer about my problem as well, if the uninstallation is my only way out??


Sheltered, hugs ...



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Are you using a translator? I agree with slainia it is kind of hard to understand your post. There are words that are not English and some missing words too, I think. Can you get someone there to help you with making this clear?


My understanding, from what I can make out, it that you had a large number of mods, had crashes, removed a bunch of mods, then added a bunch more and are crashing a lot. And maybe updated and rolled back your steam patch. At this point, I would suspect that you have some leftover scripts causing problems, plus maybe compatibility problems, and mods that are maybe taxing your hardware too much. My opinion is to make a complete clean reinstall of the game, update to 1.8, and start adding mods slowly, one or two at a time, not until exiting the cave at Helgen. PLay with a couple mods to make sure they work properly, then add one or two more. That way if a problem reappears, you will know which mods to look at first.

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Dear friend Georgiegril,


Sorry my writing ... I have actually asked for help from google translator to answer the height of the forum, because my English is intermediate ... I can understand being much easier than creating in English.

Well, about your posting ... the fact that I could not wait for an answer and just completely uninstall skyrim. And without seeing your proposal ... I ended up doing that ... I installed the base game + DLC + update Dawngaurd 1.8 and their translations to my language. So far the result is positive ... the game did not fall even once! I have already installed 5 MODs and slowly I try to put the rest ... but there was one problem: I can no longer hear the howls of the wolves! They ficarm dumb ... no sound ... but only at the moment, where before I heard the howling ... since then ... during the attack (when they growl, bark ..) everything is ok! They would know tell me if this is a bug in update 1.8?? It has a way to fix this?


I appreciate the help ...



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Dear Friend,


Thanks for the tip regarding the correctness of the BUG presented upon installation Dawnguard (referring to the howling of wolves) ... for now everything is back to normal ... and my wolves are no longer DUMB (kkkkk. ..)

Thank you!



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