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Problem with OCO Neckseam fix


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Hello, so let me start with this, I am experienced when it comes to modding, and I know I have been able to make it work before but I can't seem to right now.


What I want is to have bodies + the faces in high quality and no neckseam problem.



So the mods are:

1. Oblivion Character Overhaul

2. Seamless - OCOv2

And some bodies replacers (RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52, HG EyeCandy Body and a few 4k retextures)

I tried with and without the replacers, fresh installation with no other mods too, tried all the possible load order I could come with, still not working.


The problem I encounter is that the the neck all the way to the bottom is a different color than the head and by very much.

And the ears from the orcs are the same as the color of the body, the head is a different color.


bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles is already set to 1.

ArchiveInvalidation seems to be working since all my other mods works fine plus the textures on the head are from OCO.


So does anyone knows what's wrong with this and how can I fix it?

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What form of archive invalidation are you using? Do you have MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp activated? Where is Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp in your load order?


If you want seamless you need to use only the meshes and textures found in the Seamless for OCO v2 mod ... both body and head. You can substitute body meshes from SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition (Junkacc11 and Movomo worked together developing the seamless meshes).


- Edit - Do you use the Steam version of the game?

Edited by Striker879
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What form of archive invalidation are you using? Do you have MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp activated? Where is Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp in your load order?


If you want seamless you need to use only the meshes and textures found in the Seamless for OCO v2 mod ... both body and head. You can substitute body meshes from SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition (Junkacc11 and Movomo worked together developing the seamless meshes).


- Edit - Do you use the Steam version of the game?


I tried the one from Oblivion Mod Manager (BSA Redirection) and the one from Mod Organizer 2 but no point in telling about MO2 since I cannot run Oblivion with MO2 because it just won't work so I use BSA Redirection from OMM.

No, I do not have MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp at all.

I tried putting it at the beginning, in the middle, at the end and other places too, none worked so I guess that's not the problem. For now, I left it at the bottom of the load order.

And yes, I use the Steam version of the game.


I'm not sure, but maybe I think I know of the problem, correct me if I'm wrong, you said to use only the meshes and textures found in the Seamless mod, so I shouldn't be using the meshes and textures from Oblivion Character Overhaul? Only the esp file it comes with, is that it?

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OK ... one of the problems frequently seen with the Steam version of the game is that they changed the dates of all of the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa) to a modern date. BSA Redirection relies on the vanilla game BSAs being at the original release dates (back in 2006) so that ESPless replacements work via the BSA redirection method.


Fortunately OBMM has an very simple way to correct that. Click on Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> select BSA Redirection -> click on Reset BSA Timestamps -> click on Update Now -> done.


- Edit - Installation order is OBSE then Blockhead, then body replacers, then OCO v2 then Seamless for OCO v2. Allow each step to overwrite previous steps.

Edited by Striker879
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OK ... one of the problems frequently seen with the Steam version of the game is that they changed the dates of all of the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa) to a modern date. BSA Redirection relies on the vanilla game BSAs being at the original release dates (back in 2006) so that ESPless replacements work via the BSA redirection method.


Fortunately OBMM has an very simple way to correct that. Click on Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> select BSA Redirection -> click on Reset BSA Timestamps -> click on Update Now -> done.


- Edit - Installation order is OBSE then Blockhead, then body replacers, then OCO v2 then Seamless for OCO v2. Allow each step to overwrite previous steps.

That seems to have done the trick, thanks!



Is this problem only for Oblivion or for the other TES and Fallout games too? If so, I'll know what to do if I encounter a similar problem next time.

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OK ... one of the problems frequently seen with the Steam version of the game is that they changed the dates of all of the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa) to a modern date. BSA Redirection relies on the vanilla game BSAs being at the original release dates (back in 2006) so that ESPless replacements work via the BSA redirection method.


Fortunately OBMM has an very simple way to correct that. Click on Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> select BSA Redirection -> click on Reset BSA Timestamps -> click on Update Now -> done.


- Edit - Installation order is OBSE then Blockhead, then body replacers, then OCO v2 then Seamless for OCO v2. Allow each step to overwrite previous steps.

That seems to have done the trick, thanks!



Is this problem only for Oblivion or for the other TES and Fallout games too? If so, I'll know what to do if I encounter a similar problem next time.



Can't say for certain as I don't have/follow those games (I do own Morrowind ... just never got around to installing it).


The simplest way to determine if you may be running into a similar situation would be to compare the file dates on the game's BSAs to the approximate date that the game was released (e.g. Oblivion was released in 2006). Newer file dates will likely break archive invalidation methods that rely on file dates to work. Note that not all Bethesda games will necessarily use an archive invalidation method like BSA Redirection. Also not all Bethesda games will have a utility like OBMM with the ability to correct BSA file dates. A non-game related tool like File Date Changer can also be used.

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