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Windy waving trees and leaves??


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I remember in oblivion the trees, branches of leaves, and grass could bend in the direction of the wind. I don't recall if this was a graphics mod for oblivion or not, but what I do know is it was freaking awesome. Just standing in the middle of the forest idle you could see the game was quite alive and had a remarkable sense of realism.


I was wondering if this type of thing could be put into skyrim? Is it possible?

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This actualy happens in game regardless. I had still trees before but when experiementing with tweaking my Skyrim.ini files i messes it up abit and had to replace it with something more stable.

I downloaded a skyrim.ini file from some place I cant remember where and it made my game's performance perfect and I noticed that the trees, grass and shrubs start moving about so I think its down to playing about with your Skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini files which could also help inprove your game performance aswell gain more RAM for your cpu.

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