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Icons don't fit in UI


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Although I am not exactly sure which mod is the source of this problem (as it may be several of mods for all I know), there seems to be an issue with the icons for a number of the items I have run across in a new play-through I am attempting. Upon further inspection it seems to be that icons that the author made (which contain an image for the item and a short description of it) are either too large for the UI, or are placed too far upwards for other reasons; In the trading screen or on the Pip-boy the icons interfere with other lines and text that then becomes unreadable. At first I thought that perhaps the mod I was using, Interface Mod - Revelation, was the obvious source of my issues, but I was proven incorrect after uninstalling the mod and searching for the same issue. I then tried using the vanilla UI and adjusting my resolution--still no luck. I tried every available resolution in the game's options, but the problem was not solved. Finally I tried using MTUI to adjust the UI, and then I tried using it again with my original UI mod as well with little to no luck.


Is there a way to properly adjust, or replace these icons in the UI if I can identify which mod they originate from? Or is it possible to arrange the UI so that it fits these oddly sized icons?


EDIT: I was able to find the icons were from Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition. I was also able to find where the icons were stored, but they seem to be .dds files and I am unsure of how to proceed from here.

Edited by xTLx
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You can open and edit dds (direct draw surface) files with a free program called "Paint.NET" - google for it.


When saving your edited textures, you want to save them with dxt5, iterative fit, perceptual error metric, and generate mip maps. At least that is how I save Skyrim texture files and I assume it should be the same for FO3, lol


Be sure to keep backups of the originals in case you accidentally bork the alpha channel or something.

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Before you go mucking about in the .dds files and possibly screw-up your game, go back and make sure you have installed FWE properly and have all the required mods installed. You should also go back and check that all of your mods are installed properly. I have used FWE for months and months along with DarNUIF3 without a problem. It really sounds like you have an install problem or you failed to make a necessary adjustment somewhere.

By the way, font adjustments are made in the Fallout 3.ini, not the mods .dds.

Edited by M48A5
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