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better race ideas?


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Hi, so im new on modding so can somebody give me tips on how to make meshes from scratch or edit 'em, custom texture and script would be gladly appriciated.


On to the mod ideas; The races Khajiit and Argonian are considered beasts so they should be treated as such.

on beast mode: no one attacks at sight unless commited a crime, trespasses or something that make them scared for their lives


  • Beast blood (lightweight)
  • turns into a feline creatures such as lions, etc
  • has more control than the normal beast mode since it is a different kind
  • can loot and interact but not talk to NPCs that are not listed as a friend
    or ally
  • still retain vanilla attributes




  • same as the Khajiit but heavyweight rather normal
  • can attack underwater


everybody will attack on sight except for friendlies, can be damaged when near holy symbols such as altars and pendants and amulets

Werewolves have 2 classes: more humaniod and more beastly. can only transform into beast by starvation/will(if skill is available).

will transform back once met the feeding requirements. more powerful at night and activates shadow cloak

  • lowest level: 5-10
  • lower level: 11-15 feedings
  • low level: 16-25
  • mid: 26-30
  • high:30-35
  • higher:35-38
  • highest:38-infinite(once reached 38 feedings, revert form will activate)
  • master: 100 feedings/night(activates humanoid form or if already in humanoid form, will activate wolf metamorphosis)

Humanoid lightweight(obtainable by acquiring 100 feedings in 1 night:permanent/ can be obtain in custom quest):

  • can control transformation (at will, human-beast or beast-human)
  • can still have random transformation(depending on lvl, feed count from the last transformation, moon)
  • can infect anytime
  • can loot and talk to friendlies

Beastly heavyweight(standard):

  • cannot transform at will
  • cannot loot or talk
  • will be attacked on plain sight
  • can infect only in bloodmoon

Wolf metamorphosis (acquired only by mastering humanoid) both light and heavyweight

  • can do what humanoid can do
  • no longer need feeding
  • can transform into and from humanoid/beast/player and change back
  • can activate shadow cloak anytime


Vampires lightweight magic (same as belua vamp revised mod kind of leveling) kind of has the same setting as the werewolf above.

normal except for being more powerful at night since they are weakened in the sun (infected by other vampires and not higher kind of vampires):

  • not feeding for 4 days will transform into a sort of vampire lord but with soul drain melee and other weak magic that the vampire lord has (so no summoning gargoyle, raising powerful daedras, etc)
  • can only infect vampire disease rather than vampire lord disease
  • more feeding= more human, more starving= more vampire (like belua, it has pros and cons on both)
  • must feed in vampire mode in order to turn back into human

vampire lord: (infected by Harkon/ other vampire lords)

  • can infect vampire lord
  • has powerful vampire magic
  • can interact like loot or talk, but only around friendlies
  • same as the normal vampire lord attributes- change at will

master mode:

  • daywalker no longer damaged in the sun
  • can transform into a big bat creature(dragon like? can deal damage but mainly used for dodging/traveling or regaining health)
  • can call other vampires (normal and lords) and a lesser big bat creature
  • bigger lifesteal
  • vampire mode timer is the player's life force (force change into player when life is at 15%) reason is for the life steal (can't make it OP now :) make it a challenge)
  • no longer affected by starvation(auto-transform), feeding still grants bonuses.


NPCs will not attack on sight, holy amulets pendants and altars make it stronger

NEW idea: Vigil mode heavyweight magic(only obtainable by custom quest mod im trying to make for the vigil of stendarr- dawnguard and silverhand is now part of it)

by using the light power of Auriel to serve Stendarr's purpose to destroy the darkness caused by the Daedras


  • spectre looking creature
  • most powerful in the sun
  • can cure diseases
  • (insert more perks and attributes with cons balancing pros)
  • uses restoration magic (custom magic- they hurt like a MOTHERF***ER especially deadly to daedras and creatures but heals other than is not in the same category)


  • same description as spectre
  • bigger and brighter than spectre (dragon priest spectre but brighter)
  • moon gives power


  • bigger than spirit and brighter in full plate angelic armor (no wings and stuff)
  • any light will make it even more powerful (sun is the most and moon gives even more power than the spirit version)
  • (insert more perks and attributes with cons balancing pros) must be related to light distinguishing the darkness theme

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