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Killable children mod opinions.


Poll: Killable Children mod, Like it? Hate it?  

211 members have voted

  1. 1. The mod to make children no longer gods you feel this is....

    • Excellent! adds to the realism!
    • Disgusting you sick freak!
    • Meh, I could care less either way.
    • ??? There's a mod for that!?!?
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Killing adults? Killing children?

I see no difference. All are pixels to me! :)


The only problem is, it allows mentally disturbed freaks to come to forums such as this and scream and preach how terrible it is.

As if normal guys don't know the difference between a game and reality!

They obviously don't know the difference.

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This is one of many aspects in the game that I felt terribly confined in that I couldn't be as evil as I wanted to be. I swear, the game tries to force you to be a good guy sometimes by providing you no real evil options. I didn't notice this till my third play through as my ultimate evil character, who was only somewhat evil do to lack of evil avenues of approach.
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Child killing mods are perfectly acceptable and should not be prohibited by anyone in any way, as long as they clearly explain what graphic content they implement and are restricted from underage audiences (or allowed with parental consent).


One of the biggest problems in the world today is politically-correct liberals thinking it's fair or just to restrict the masses from something because a minority chooses to use it irresponsibly.

For the record, I am not a politically-correct liberal and I believe good gun control is achieved by placing your left hand under your right wile firing a pistol.

While I do not agree with you that they are “perfectly acceptable” they may be protected by the first amendment.

Should you prohibit tens of millions of people from owning firearms because a few damaged individiuals elect to shoot up a school? Absolutely not.

Should you prohibit consumption of alchohol by hundreds of millions of people because some cannot maintain control over it? No.

Should you prohibit certain depictions of violence or sex for a billion people because it may have an impact on psychological outlook on life, or influence the actions of a handful? Never.


Time and time again we see the price to pay for freedom and responsibility is that there will always be a few who elect to use it irresponsibly, but that is no reason to take the right away. If you do that, eventually it won't just be graphic depictions of violence against children, it will be graphic depictions of violence in general. Then it will be non-graphic depictions of violence. Then, before you know it, there will be such mass censorship that you won't even be able to write your own personal ideas, thoughts, or disagreements without a tyrannical government arresting you.


My point is, you don't have to like a child-killing mod. You don't have to watch it, you don't have to download it, you don't even have to know about it. But, like many other things, it absolutely and undisputedly is protected under the first ammendment, and many people have no issue with it and should be permitted to view it if they wish, ESRB-be-damned.


Remember, when you try to mold others into your opinion, eventually someone else is just going force you into theirs. The only solution is for everyone to define their own mold, and not each others.

Your point is taken and I only disagree with the children part, I will explain.


A long while back this subject came up before and I wanted to cut to the case and get people’s opinion’s so I made a poll.

1. Children can not die or be harmed at all (immortal).

2. Children can die only from collateral damage or sickness / disease

3. The above plus be harmed

4 The above plus be killed accidentally

5. The above plus be killed on purpose (I want to murder Children)


I was so shocked and surprised how dogmatically they wanted the right to murder the children in the game.

So much that many changed their stance after seeing the true nature of many of the others.


I am against it because of the learned behavior possibility, I honestly do not know, we do know it can affect unstable individuals, so I would have to say it is not outside the realm of possibilities. I am willing to take that risk in regards to adults but not children.




Ideally such games as this one with children in them should have a "content filter" available in the options menu (password protected) for people to turn on/off such things as mortal children, blood/gore, foul language, sex, etc... To tailor the games realism to their preferred level (or the level they feel comfortable having their children play it at)


Such a feature would make everyone happy, since it would enable those bothered by the concept or mortal children (or drugs, gore etc..) to disable it with a mouse click and enjoy the game how they prefer it, and the rest to play it as real as they like. It would also allow parents to configure the games content to be teen (or perhaps lower?) compared to the current "mature" rating, thus boosting sales.


I do agree though, the mod would be improved by imposing a -500/-1000 or whatever karma for each child killed, to better portray the in game society's disapproval for such actions.

Yes, this would at least be better I agree.

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I like this mod simply because I feel it fits the fallout world, when the mod came out I downloaded it right away. tested it then removed to wait for a complete mod that includes massive karma loss and something like the childkiller perk from the previous games. On the other hand I am glad Bethesda didn't include it in the game because if they had it would have caused all kinds of trouble for them and probably affect the games sales or gotten it the AO rateing which would have made it much less likely that they would have expansions and such. I think all the people who get upset about this need to remember that its rated M which means it doesn't need to be made child friendly, if kids are playing this game and it does affect them then the people who screwed up were their parents for letting them play it. I have noticed with a lot of teen violence like school shootings people rush to blame things like music and video games, but in reality if a kid is inspired to do such horrible things by a video game then it makes sense that there was already a problem with that individual, problem is the people who really screwed up want to put the blame on someone or something else. An even though this topic is just about the child killing I will add that I think sex, handled the way it was in Fallouts 1&2 should have been included but if Bethesda had done so they probably would have been raped by a bunch of different groups and ESRB probably would have givin it an AO rateing just because this country is so screwed up about sex.
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Frankly, I don't like the kid killing mods.


Think about it, when someone see's you playing a game, do you want them to come up and say "Dude! WTF, thats the game where you murder children! and WTF, why is every girl nude in this game! Are you some sort of freak?"


Just think about that though, look what hot coffee did to Grand Theft Auto ( as it didn't have a bad enough rep already or anything... ) imagine how bad it would be if some hyper christian church found out you can kill kids in a video game?


Now, I myself don't intend to download this mod, but I assume a lot of people will, under the "It's more realistic!" claim (<_< ),

but I just hope Fallout's mod quality dosen't go as far down as oblivion's has ( There are good oblivion mods, but they're buried under mods like "All women topless!" and steel bikini mods, or goth gear so you can look stupid ingame too. Sadly, I expected to have the most fun playing oblivion on PC, little did I know, the xbox version was better all along).


As for the mortal, but massive karma drop, wouldn't it just save you hardrive space by NOT installing the mod at all? If your going to install a mod that prevent's you from doing something you don't want to do, and is already impossible, your just wasting your time lol.


Besides, it's not like their are many kids in the game, I've played for a bit now and only seen three...

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Frankly, I don't like the kid killing mods.


Think about it, when someone see's you playing a game, do you want them to come up and say "Dude! WTF, thats the game where you murder children! and WTF, why is every girl nude in this game! Are you some sort of freak?"


Just think about that though, look what hot coffee did to Grand Theft Auto ( as it didn't have a bad enough rep already or anything... ) imagine how bad it would be if some hyper christian church found out you can kill kids in a video game?


Now, I myself don't intend to download this mod, but I assume a lot of people will, under the "It's more realistic!" claim (<_< ),

but I just hope Fallout's mod quality dosen't go as far down as oblivion's has ( There are good oblivion mods, but they're buried under mods like "All women topless!" and steel bikini mods, or goth gear so you can look stupid ingame too. Sadly, I expected to have the most fun playing oblivion on PC, little did I know, the xbox version was better all along).


As for the mortal, but massive karma drop, wouldn't it just save you hardrive space by NOT installing the mod at all? If your going to install a mod that prevent's you from doing something you don't want to do, and is already impossible, your just wasting your time lol.


Besides, it's not like their are many kids in the game, I've played for a bit now and only seen three...


In response to your first paragraph, this is exactly the kind of mentality that has allowed censorship and the conservative right to hold such great power over us to begin with. Why should their opinion of you matter? Why should they be more right about you than you are about yourself?


In response to your second paragraph, if I remember right, when the word was leaked, but before it got pulled from the shelves, and subsequently re-released without that bit left on the disc, sales went up. I remember seeing a used copy of it on E-Bay with six bids above 90 dollars US. If some church or another doesn't like it, let them speak out against it all they want, but frankly they do not have any more authority than you or I do. They are just people, no matter how loud or whiny their opinion is, and I wish other people would start standing up to them.


As for the mod quality or content, I think that's just a personal opinion, and though six variants of nudity may not be necessary, frankly I think the resourcefulness and artistic talent of the modding community is inspiring. Each mod is somebody's work, time and effort. And while not everyone is a Rembrandt, that they contribute counts for quite a bit.


Oh and by the way, who's to say that I want to play a good character? Perhaps a massive Karma drop is a bonus for me. Not everyone feels the same way you do.


And not that I care how much or little you've played the game but - spoiler.



There's a whole town of nothing but kids, called Little Lamplight.


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Think about it, when someone see's you playing a game, do you want them to come up and say "Dude! WTF, thats the game where you murder children! "


Currently anyone that extreme is capable of coming up to you and going: "Dude! WTF, thats the game where you enslave children! "


In the vanilla (un-modded) version of FO 3 you can become a slaver, and enslave people, including kids which is every bit as vile as killing them. (If not more so when you stop to consider the use a little girl will likely be put to by the slavers you sell her to.) So really is murdering them all that worse in comparison?


Like Asrayl said, I may want to play the game as a villain simply to see the alternate storyline, or experience playing a character differently then my last time through the game. If want to play an evil character then I should be able to without the hand of god mystically protecting a group of people from all harm.

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I mean cmon what is the big deal about killable children? People play numerous games with numerous violence scenes... You play GTA and you steal cars, murder people, rob banks, you play Call of Duty and you shoot other people... You name it, there are a lot of other games filled to the brim with violence, but when it comes to pointing a gun to an innocent pixel, people get nervous... That is why we have ratings about games, that is why games rate as mature, everyone and such... Then lets forbid every suggestive, violent game and play sims, but with no make out :) that might be bad influence for children or some pervs who would go out and start raping girls just because they saw it on a video game...


We are human beings, we need somethings to sustain our instincts... just like we need to sustain our need for love, we need to sustain our need for violence... Dont you ever tell me that you didnt ever think of getting violent... A bank clerk you wait for a lifetime, or a queue you wait for an hour... Dont you ever tell me that you acted serene and didnt even think of busting the brains out of that clerk :) But you didnt, instead you went home and played a video game, popped a few heads, sliced a few monsters and you sustained your thirst for blood... When I am angry or upset, I go play PES 09 and score a few spectacular goals, or play Street fighter and beat the crap out of Ryu (Huge fan of Ken :)) so that way my violent tendencies vanish, or at least supressed...


I am not saying I am completely sane and normal human being :) but with video games I blow off my steam and get on with my life... So dont take away my blood and gore please...

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