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Killable children mod opinions.


Poll: Killable Children mod, Like it? Hate it?  

211 members have voted

  1. 1. The mod to make children no longer gods you feel this is....

    • Excellent! adds to the realism!
    • Disgusting you sick freak!
    • Meh, I could care less either way.
    • ??? There's a mod for that!?!?
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Honestly I think people opposing mods like this should take a good look in the mirror and see the grim face of hypocrisy staring back at them. Why should killing children be more horrible than killing other people? I you oppose the killable children you might as well oppose all violence in the game - violence against children is no different than violence against adults, both an evil act in its very nature, but for some reason it's more socially acceptable killing adults in games where children rarely can be harmed.


Killing is wrong, period. Discriminating between what you can and cannot kill due to some skewed social "taboo" in a game that supposedly tries to be a post-apocalyptic simulation is just mind-blowing from my perspective. I'm happy that someone had the balls to make these mods, even though Bethesda don't support their use.


As for it having an effect on the player behind the keyboard, if he or she suddenly gets and urge to kill children after having played a computer game there's something wrong with the person and not the game - people do not go on killing sprees because of computer games or movies unless they are already psychotic and socially retarded in the first place.

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While I never really pointed out my thoughts the first time through this thread... I'm in a rather philosophical mood right now and feel like ranting.


First off, I cannot really understand how people can claim that violence/drugs in video games can lead to the same or similar acts in real life and still have a straight face. I mean, how do they come to these conclusions? Did someone shoot someone else and claim they were in a 'video game'? Well heck, if they thought it might alleviate the penalty then they would have said God or Buddah or Allah or whoever you believe in told them to do it. Was a violent game found in their house after a shooting? Proves nothing. Mind you, I've also never done exensive research on this topic but I really doubt that video games can instill the urge in someone to kill another person.


As for unkillable children in Fallout 3, what makes a pixel-child's life more blessed and innocent than a pixel-adult's life? and truth, what's the different between the two save for the amount of pixels or polygons? If children in Fallout 3 are supposed to be more innocent than the adults well Bethesda really messed up there, those kids in Lamplight swore a lot more than I do in a week, and they hardly seemed innocent to me. But aside from an ESRB rating, or PR I don't see the reasoning behind their action. I see no difference between a pixel-child and a pixel-adult save for the amount of polygons used in the mesh.

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"First off, I cannot really understand how people can claim that violence/drugs in video games can lead to the same or similar acts in real life and still have a straight face."


I agree, the very idea that people are in any way effected by their habits, senses, and perception is absurd after all. By simply dismissing the idea we can safely erase it's very possibility. A great example is the history long worship of made up supernatural characters. No violence has come from that in real life.



In other news, killable children doesn't matter to me unless someone wants to make them a normal part of the game. Outside lamplight there are maybe a dozen of them. I do remember playing evil in Fo2 and accidentally blasting one or eleven of them and getting the child killer label. Maybe there could be roving bands of vengeful child protectors armed with sniper rifles once you do. It's very easy to write an 'if childkiller' variable to all npcs in their greeting, or even automatic hostility to your 'childkiller' faction.

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i think i have a happy medium between pro and con on the whole "should kids be killed in video games" lets just call them midgets or little people, that way nobody can really gripe about it because they arent technically kids but small adults. but i kid about that, in my opinion to make a kid immortal in a game like this is idiotic, it takes away from the game quality. and as for violent games making people do violent acts. well ive been playing games like this since i was 10 years old and in reality im one of the nicest people you can meet but if you meet me in a video game ill beat you with a baseball bat if i think it would make me laugh. just to tell you how harmless i really am i couldn't even kill a little mouse (i know i have tried.) but i think that its just the parents of the extremely violent kids who make a big fuss about these type of games for the simple fact that they cannot admit their own fault, YOU FAILED AS A PARENT YOU MORON. you child beat billy because you didn't teach him that violence is wrong and anger needs to be dealt with in some other manner like i use to do, grab a hammer and find something like a walnut or a toy you never play with anymore and smash it until you fell better. but some times its not the parents fault sometimes little jimmy has bi polar disorder.
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Looks like they changed the way kids are designated -- or maybe hardwired some code -- in the new patch. And frankly, I'm insulted.


If the devs didn't want us engaging in child killing, then they should have simply omitted children from the game entirely, like Oblivion. Because I don't care who it is in my game, I want them mortal.

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