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More cash for the vendors!!!!!!!!!


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good lord, the scavs that only have 15caps to start, and ant meat to sell.... >_<.


Even most of the bigger traders like the caravans have about 300-500caps to start when i can make that in 3-4 weapon sales or in selling some ammo thats not good.


i liked the effect from the oblivion skill that gave merchants more money the higher your skill went.

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You can also just invest in the traveling caravan merchants. Once you've invested in them twice, they generally have between 500 and 1500 caps. It seems pretty random. Just stand out in front of Megaton or any of their other stops, though, and wait a couple hours, trade what you have, wait a couple more, the next one will show up, do the same thing.


Rinse and repeat.

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