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Arrow Weight


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Hello, this is probably my first post on this forum!


BUT that's not the point... I'm thinking of doing an arrow mod which changes the weight of arrows for more realism.


currently I'm not aware of any mods of the same caliber (I've only done a quick search) And thought I'd be the first one to release one so I'm intressted of hearing about your opinions what a suitable weight should be...


AND if people would be so kind as of post tutorials of how to make a NMM menu (much like the one here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11941) So I don't have to release a million of different mini files and just one big package where you can choose your personal preferences.


Much love



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It is really lame that arrows don't weigh anything and you can carry 1000 of them if you feel like it.


But unfortunately, it my belief that this is hardcoded and there is no easy way for a modder to change it. If this project was readily doable, then someone would have done it six months ago.

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Adding weight to arrows is actually rather simple if you know a few tricks! I did it myself in my current project (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19281/), every arrow has a weight based on its material type - it works pretty flawless and is also very leightweight :)


Here's how it works:


This Script is attached to the player in my mod:


Scriptname AA000XarrianArrowWeigthScript extends ObjectReference


Ammo Property IronArrow Auto

Ammo Property SteelArrow Auto

Ammo Property DraugrArrow Auto

Ammo Property ForswornArrow Auto

Ammo Property OrcishArrow Auto

Ammo Property ElvenArrow Auto

Ammo Property DwarvenArrow Auto

Ammo Property GlassArrow Auto

Ammo Property EbonyArrow Auto

Ammo Property DaedricArrow Auto

Ammo Property NordHeroArrow Auto

Ammo Property SilverArrow Auto



Ammo Property SilverBolt Auto

Ammo Property SteelBolt Auto

Ammo Property DwarvenBolt Auto


Actor Property Player Auto


WEAPON Property ArrowWeightDummy01 Auto

WEAPON Property ArrowWeightDummy02 Auto

WEAPON Property ArrowWeightDummy03 Auto


Int Property CounterArrows01 Auto

Int Property CounterDummy01 Auto


Int Property CounterArrows02 Auto

Int Property CounterDummy02 Auto


Int Property CounterArrows03 Auto

Int Property CounterDummy03 Auto







Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)


If akBaseItem == IronArrow || akBaseItem == SteelArrow || akBaseItem == ForswornArrow || akBaseItem == ElvenArrow || akBaseItem == SilverArrow || akBaseItem == SteelBolt || akBaseItem == SilverBolt


Player.Additem(ArrowWeightDummy01, aiItemCount, true)





If akBaseItem == DraugrArrow || akBaseItem == OrcishArrow || akBaseItem == DwarvenArrow || akBaseItem == GlassArrow || akBaseItem == NordHeroArrow || akBaseItem == DwarvenBolt


Player.Additem(ArrowWeightDummy02, aiItemCount , true)





If akBaseItem == EbonyArrow || akBaseItem == DaedricArrow


Player.Additem(ArrowWeightDummy03, aiItemCount , true)










Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)



If akBaseItem == IronArrow || akBaseItem == SteelArrow || akBaseItem == ForswornArrow || akBaseItem == ElvenArrow || akBaseItem == SilverArrow || akBaseItem == SteelBolt || akBaseItem == SilverBolt



Player.removeitem(ArrowWeightDummy01, aiItemCount, true)





If akBaseItem == DraugrArrow || akBaseItem == OrcishArrow || akBaseItem == DwarvenArrow || akBaseItem == GlassArrow || akBaseItem == NordHeroArrow || akBaseItem == DwarvenBolt


Player.Removeitem(ArrowWeightDummy02, aiItemCount , true)





If akBaseItem == EbonyArrow || akBaseItem == DaedricArrow


Player.Removeitem(ArrowWeightDummy03, aiItemCount , true)










It basically fires everytime the player picks up an arrow and then adds the same amount of invisible items to his inventory, each with the weight for the respective arrow material type.

It also fires everytime an arrow or bolt is removed from the player's inventory; in this case, the respective amount of invisible dummy items is removed again.


The only drawback is that the arrows will still depict a weight of 0 in the inventory screen - but that's a cosmetic issue.

As said, I use this method myself (now for a few months), and it's a 100% bugfree and well functioning! :)


Edit: The weights I use for arrows are 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 units for one arrow (according to a few sources, the average arrow had a weight of about 100 grams (if it was made for the use with a warbow) - I thought a 0.1 would translate this very well to the game, with the others being made more or less completely out of metal, which is why they get twice or thrice that weight in my mod - though I must say, by default, all carry weight is also reduced in my mod to about one third by default.

Edited by Xarrian
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This was done by elecgs in the Weighted Items mod. Here's the blurb from that mod's description:


Arrow weight is simulated through the use of a dummy item called "Quiver of Arrows", found under the miscellaneous category. The amount of this item is periodically updated so any changes to the number of arrows will be reflected. Note that the script only executes every five seconds, so there is some delay, but not much.


As you can imagine, it does not work for new arrow types, but it goes someway in addressing the weightless issue.

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