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Restarted game 4 times 3/4 through game due to finding my avatar ugly. Just cant get over it


Asians suffer from some strange hugely wide faces and their eyes are small/slanted. All males suffer from this wide nose effect, especially right after leaving the vault. Probably related to lighting.


I tried five different asian models with variations to the extremity. All that changed was their head/nose size. They looked like the same guy? I also can't get over the fact it looks like a guy I knew in elementary school. Its like I'm roleplaying as him -__-


Why do the characters look so different in character creation compared to the real in game models?

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You can always enter the console and type showracemenu and it will bring up the face creation screen for you to edit as much as you like and any time you like.


I've seen one really nice beauty mod for women, but the maker had a problem with lighting effects so the face looks weird in certain lights. I haven't paid attention to face/beauty mods for men, though, so I can't tell you.

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Yeah I know about the show race menu thing. Its just not possible as far as I can tell to make a good looking cloud style pretty boy in this game. Looks fine in character creation and when I click start its like what the hell isn't this the same face with different face structure?


I've spent over 4 hours on the showracemenu thing.



Yeah I know what you mean by we all look similar. The thing is every race has it's own (fairly) consistent features and what it is, is that you haven't spent much time outside of your own race. I've met quite a few asians in asian countries that can't tell caucasians apart. Unless maybe your Johnny Depp or something.


I usually can't tell black people apart too well but Chapelle, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan stand out for a reason.

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Yeah I know about the show race menu thing. Its just not possible as far as I can tell to make a good looking cloud style pretty boy in this game. Looks fine in character creation and when I click start its like what the hell isn't this the same face with different face structure?


Because Cloud-style pretty boys don't fit the art direction, probably.


Also, keep in mind that there's a lens effect around the sides of the screen, so when you rotate the camera around to marvel at your work they'll look stretched out. Use tfc and actually look at your character dead-on to see how they actually look.


I haven't personally had an issue with all my characters looking the same. I made little modifications several times throughout the game, though, each time coming out with a pretty much entirely different face.


It'd be to your benefit to go through and look at all the preset heads. They all provide a different base to build on.


But if you're wanting anime characters, either edit the INI to change the FaceGen's limitations*, or stop bothering now.


* I don't know how to do this, only that it's possible.

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Yeah I've used all the preset heads they all look similar to me. I got big eyes on char creation using base models adjusted but they all revert to this smaller asian eye that's slanted up in the middle. Which is kind of odd because I don't think thats even a stereotype.


I think you took my anime comment a bit too seriously as Cloud advent children was somewhat realistic. However removing the limitations would probably help.


tfc?? Lens effect? This might explain it I'll try that out .

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yeah, I agree. The default face generator in FO3 kinda blows. At least someone brought over the hair from O. In general, it would be great to have a full-on avatar creator for better faces, hair and body-types and not just that murky mad-scientist looking glass thing.
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You can always enter the console and type showracemenu and it will bring up the face creation screen for you to edit as much as you like and any time you like.


I've seen one really nice beauty mod for women, but the maker had a problem with lighting effects so the face looks weird in certain lights. I haven't paid attention to face/beauty mods for men, though, so I can't tell you.


How do you pull up showracemenu?

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what do you mean cloud style?? please tell me your not looking for a dude with 3 foot of spiked up hair and a 9 foot, 300 pound sword to swing.


i would personally love to find a mod that replaces the tv screen for a face editor, moe like oblivion where you were actually veiwing the character when editing.



as for female beauty ive gotten two mods and they have made my characters fine as hell.

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Yeah, I agree. The default face generator in FO3 kinda blows. At least someone brought over the hair from O. In general, it would be great to have a full-on avatar creator for better faces, hair and body-types and not just that murky mad-scientist looking glass thing.


Multiple body types and heights would definitely add a lot of realism to the game. Especially if someone randomized NPC body types and heights.

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