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CTD During gameplat


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Recently during gampeplay my skyrim has been randomly crashing to the desktop. Prior to updating skyrim/dawnguard it happened very rarely, but since the update it has been occuring every 10 or so minutes of gameplay. I'm not blaming the update since I did get new mods the same day the crash started happening, most notably being SkRe for dawnguard. I have tried running BOSS then manually changing my load order to the best of my abilities and have removed high ram taxing mods besides moonpath the elsweyr. I am running on a lenovo B570 laptop. I have all game settings to low and have manually turned off shadows completely in the skyrimprefs.ini I've attatched a copy of my load order if that can help. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Well, Skyrim was not intended for laptops; it is probably a matter of overtaxing the resources that you have. Plus truly random crashes (not associated with specific locations or activities) are more likely due to hardware issues.


SkyMo,Wars in Skyrim, and Warzones all add a large number of new spawns, which can crash when you overload your computers memory resources. I would start by removing these, but exactly as directed by the mod author, because leftover scripts can cause crashes too. ---For that matter, how did you go about removing mods before you updated to 1.8 and got your new mods? it is possible that leftover scripts from mods removed could also cause this issue. Unless it has been resurrected, my understanding is that WIS is unstable and unsupported. Did this change? If not I would definitely shy away from that.

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