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Anyone else disappointed with the state of Skyrim mods so far|


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It's early days but so far, aside from some excellent graphical improvements, I feel the overall quality of Skyrim mods has been really poor.


I check the nexus front page and top 20 maybe once every two weeks and it is just totally dominated by busty erotic female companions (Jesus H Christ sort yourselves out, there is this great invention called pornography that caters for that sort of thing you horny freaks) and boring superficial additions. Where are the quests, overhauls and added features that actually add depth to the game? Maybe I'm not qualified to criticise you folks because I've never made a mod in my life nor do I think I possess the patience or ability to do so, but it's kinda embarrassing how bad the state of modding is at the moment.

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Simple don't like it move along, people make mods THEY want not for you. If ppl want to make/use erotic companions, MLP enemies, even 10 foot robots its their choice, their mod and their game. No one forces you to use said mod(s) and there is a tag blocking feature if it upsets you so much.


"Maybe I'm not qualified to criticise you folks because I've never made a mod in my life"

You are correct as stated before ppl make mods for themselves 99% of the time not everyone else, they are just kind enough to share them. Want X type mod so badly learn to make your own, that is how most modders started.

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Simple don't like it move along, people make mods THEY want not for you. If ppl want to make/use erotic companions, MLP enemies, even 10 foot robots its their choice, their mod and their game. No one forces you to use said mod(s) and there is a tag blocking feature if it upsets you so much.


Sigh. I knew people would get all emotional about this bull****. Just relax you douche nozzle.


Endorsing people's decisions purely on the merit that they have the freedom to make them is just an outright retarded way to look at anything.

Edited by apecallum
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