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Clean or Not To Clean...


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LOOT is finding dirty plugins in my load order. I know it's not always the best idea to clean everything, so I was looking to see if you guys knew if some of these are safe to clean:

- Interesting NPCs: 1 itm

- Farmhouse Chimney: 8 itm

- Falskaar: 3 itm

- Undeath: 41 itm

- LC Citadel: 8 itm

- Eli's Breezehome: 39 itm

- Ashbound: 4 itm

- Amazing Follower Tweaks: 1 itm

- LC Feudal Keep: 45 itm

- LC Build Your Own Noble House: 120 itm

- Wintersun: 23 itm

- Project AHO: 50 itm

- Morning Fog: 1 itm

- Treasure Hunter: 9 itm

- Artifacts of Skyrim: 1 itm

- Aetherium Armors and Weapons: 7 itm

- Mharphin: 31 itm

- Eli's Riverwood Shack: 9 itm

- Pit Fighter: 32 itm

- The Forgotten City: 7 itm

- Stendarr's Hammer: 18 itm

- Immersive Citizens: 1 itm

- Realistic Water Two: 1 itm


Thanks in advance!

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ITM means that the record is identical to a master record. Typically, this means that a record was edited by mistake and then values restored. Yet, the Creation Kit still treats it as an edited record and includes it within the plugin when saved.


That said, there are cases where an author will purposefully create an ITM to hopefully ensure that said record has specific values for their mod to behave as intended.


Best advice is to check the mod comments / description pages to see if there is any information regarding cleaning from the mod author and / or other users.

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