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Question about followers


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Nether's Follower Framework has the ability to give those Companions being controlled the Vilja-like capability to follow you in mods with faulty nav meshes. It also has a built in affinity for Interesting NPCs, as well as Auri from Song of the Green. Just don't use any such mods on Inigo or you will "break his brain".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got NFF installed. It didn't seem to help me with Lydia.. She was always bumping into me so much that I finally ditched her...

NFF doesn't seem to have the kind of per NPC setting i would like to see (if that's even possible). I wanted it to control Lydia.

Maybe i missed something with using it.. but the MCM menus, didn't seem to allow individual controls... And the space between npc's did not affect Lydia bumping into me constantly...

Edited by c0ax599
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