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What would happen if I were to delete the Skyrim patch on xbox...


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Hello, I own Skyrim on Xbox, and as you all know, with one of the recent patches smithing was made incredibly tedious and annoying. I want to delete the patch file, just while I make 200 or so iron daggers, and then download it again and hope everything goes back to normal. The only problem is I have dawnguard and hearthfire as well, and am worried that deleting the patch will either corrupt my save or make me lose my equipment from the two dlc's (as you need the latest patches to play the most recent DLC).

Thanks in advance, and please don't be angry for me wanting to do this I just find this new smithing needlessly slow.

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Pick up any gems you find, and the transmute spell from the iron mine/bandit camp near Whiterun. Transmute the ore, and make jewelry. It's still tedious, yes, but it's better than whatever method you're trying to use.
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