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Missing food recipes at cooking stations


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One of my mods (I'm not sure which) has reorganized my categories for recipes at cooking stations. But over time, almost all the recipes for roasts just disappear; some other recipes are missing too. Does anyone know what mod this might be associated with, or if there's a fix for this bug?

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Heya Drewells! Sounds like it's a mod incompatibility. That you've got two or more mods that are both trying to edit the cooking stations, in a way that doesn't agree with each other.

There's several ways that you could go about this. 1) Juggle the mods around in your load order, to see if you can solve the problem that way.

2) Run the mods through Xedit doing a compatibility check. (You'll have to look up how to do that, there's tutes).

3) Make a Wrye Bash patch to patch the mods lists together. Wyre Bash is available in the mods downloads section.


You haven't listed what mods you're playing, so we don't know which ones you have that might be in conflict. Or might be a cause of a problem with some of the stations.

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