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Feminized Power Armor


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What about replacing the recon armor with a lightweight speed, stealth and agility-based suit? Actually, you could make it an American prototype of a reverse-engineered Chinese Hei Gui sneaking suit (the suit that the stealthboy was based off of). Consequently, it could also look substantially different from the power armor we've seen, because no one knows what the Hei Gui looked like (although it is rumoured to be in Operation: Anchorage)
Yes, there's a screenshot (Hei Gui screenshot) confirming it, and that thing is sexy! Why waste time mucking with the old BoS image when you can play with that? And that's my final objection to prettying up the Power Armor, petty as it may seem. The BoS armor was supposed to project a blocky, tanklike image.


emkepelin tat can only be done on very easy :P

Meh, it takes skeelz, bro! Serious, you can do it on very hard. Try playing an unarmed character, by the time you learn how they work you'll be able to pull it off at Raven Rock.

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Haha, feminized power armor.




Plus it sounds sexist.



It SOUNDS sexist? Ohhhkaaay, -THATS- ridiculous.


That's like saying Seminar is a bad word because it is developed from the latin root word seminis, which means semen. It's the ejaculation that gave birth to something new.


Or lambasting the word Hysteria, because it comes from the Greek "Hystera," which means womb or ovary, which also gives us the term hysterectomy. Modern examples of hysteria are mostly riot related, but back in the Victorian era, it was considered a nervous condition for females, caused by their lady-parts.


Dismissing an entire idea because it sounds vaguely something or other is a terrible TERRIBLE way of doing things, similar to the whole "Magic Negro" thing with P-elect Obama, The fact that it has been a well-known literary term for who-knows-how-long. Since when is "Someone(read: Obama) who is unnaturally smart or wise that guides the main character(read: United States) for no other reason than the goodness of his heart" a bad thing? yeesh.


That aside, there has already been pages discussing why it would/would not be ridiculous. You won't change your mind, we won't change ours. So, unless you are trying to be helpful, please back aside.

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I can extract the model and get it back into the game once it has been changed (I think, I have to practice rigging anyway so I might as well be productive). Someone else will have to model and texture but I can get it in-game. So PM me the details.
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