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NPC - Environment Interaction


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Ever wonder why as you’re walking around Whiterun that even though it’s pouring down rain, no one seems to notice?

Ever complain about enemies seeing you in night just as well as they do during the day?


I want a mod that makes NPC’s act like normal people. For instance, it starts to rain, the npc heads to their home, or an inn, or waits out the torrent under a porch.

If its night, bandits carry torches and have reduced accuracy (unless of course they’re vampires. I have 100 sneak, and have pulled out a torch in a dark room, seen an enemy standing there staring at a wall and he didn’t even catch me because he didn’t see the source. I want NPC’s to notice little things like that (ie. Light bouncing off walls) and react to it.


And if you wanted to take it really far, you could add things like guards complaining about the weather, wages, etc. and bandits planning mutinies and vampires ranting on about some nice warm blood.


If someone would look into this that would be really cool.

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Bandits already talk about mutinies, and vampires talk about craving blood. They just have a whole lot of other topics in addition to that. And guards generally act a bit suspicious if you're wandering around at night, and have a few phrases they'll throw at you regarding this. I'm using this mod, which is probably why that is happening more than 'arrow to the knee' lines.


As for tactical stuff, have you tried this? It changes sneak mechanics quite a bit, and makes NPCs quite a bit less stupid. I don't know of anything to make NPCs react to the weather though, and standing under porches probably wouldn't help as rain clips through them.


Another mod aimed at making NPCs less stupid. Around dragons anyway.

Edited by nakakita
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Has the author tried playing sneak character?

You would notice that NPC's have pretty much dialog actually, especially vampires (After buying Dawnguard) and bandits.

Guard talk overhaul is really good, gives them much more diversity in their speech.

I've heard "arrow to the knee" line maybe twice in-game after I installed that, and I am already level 20.


Also "Path of shadows" should help a bit with the notice-you-in-the-dark thing.

At least I don't hear people saying anything to me in dark, unless I get really close to them or there's torch near.

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