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Custom NPC World-Space Crash


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Similar to the problem the OP mentioned in this topic, my custom NPC (not necessarily a companion) is causing the game client to crash whenever entering the world-space where they were placed.


These are the packages I've used to create the NPC (via the TES CS):

  • Oblivion.esm
  • Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm
  • Cobl Main.esm
  • Lovers with PK.esm
  • TamagoClub.esm
  • HiyokoClub.esm


I'm sure that I only needed [Oblivion.esm and MONSTERGIRL-ANGELICALLIANCE.esp] (I created a new form out of the 111worshiper NPC from the latter package), although used the other packages listed there. (Could that be causing the crashes? Personally I do not believe that to be the case, although I may be wrong.)


I've tried removing all inventory items from the NPC, as well as their spells and have not managed to prevent the crashing. I have been using Wyre Bash the entire time.


Does anybody have an idea as to what exactly may be the issue? If need be, I can upload the custom NPC's .esp for anybody else to troubleshoot.

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Have you made MONSTERGIRL-ANGELICALLIANCE.esp as 'master' of your mod?  As I understand it, a new form still has the base id from that ESP (since it doesn't exist elsewhere), and if it's not a master of your mod then the base id can't be found, which will definitely CTD.  IIRC, you use TES4Edit/Wrye Bash to change the ESP into an ESM, add it as a master to your mod, and then change it back to an ESP, because you can't add an ESP directly.  You are basically making a patch to the mod.  (Not something I've actually done; just read about it.)<br><br>Edit: <a href="http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/De-Isolation_Tutorial">Here</a> is the article that explains the process.<br><br>If you do not want your custom NPC mod to be dependent upon another mod, then you need t export the components you are using and import them to your mod as 'new' objects with their own base ids.<br><br>And I could be total wrong.  I am not an experienced Oblivion modder; I've just been learning it and no one else seemed to have any ideas to help you.<br><br>-Dubious- Edited by dubiousintent
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