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Wow so all the legacy stuff and cool items, etc are locked out even for the people who have payed before unless you already have them. That sucks... I really had hoped F2P would be more... Playable. At least make it so those of us who had to spend $60 (and then $30 more or $15 depending on how you subscribed) get the full damn game...

I don't know it seems like a F2P model like GW2 would be better. Maybe keep the limits on people who haven't bought the game but if someone has bought it take off the limits. :\

Oh my god... What will happen to my third character? Did the delete her? And no emergency fleet pass?! WTH!!!!

Ok... That is just f***ing ridiculous... They took away the option to hide head gear? And a limit on commendations and credits... And one crew skill... Oh no... No companion skins?!


I don't know... I think there are just too many limits for me right now. And stupid limits too. Why raise the price of items? Most of the stuff was already really expensive, I don't think I had any credits because the medical crap is like 500 each. And now its even more for F2P people... I don't know this all looks like more crap to draw people in but really trying to get them to hand over more money...

I won't be playing this again. Not unless this crap is changed.

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Was pretty angry about the restrictions too. I wonder how they figure they're going to make money on this. New players might join, but they'll never stay. Might pay a subscription because they're pretty much being forced to. But they'll grow tired along the way like everyone else.


A Free To Play model shouldn't force people to subscribe to have fun with the game. The restrictions are ludicrous.


"We want to give our players the freedom to enjoy Star Wars: The Old Republic when and how they want," said BioWare Austin general manage Matthew Bromberg. "There has never been a better time to start playing with us."


Freedom. Hahahah! Idiot.

Edited by mousxo
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I played it, and it felt... lacking. I bought the game back in March, and played a month of it then (which didn't give me subscriber status, since it came with a free month of time :dry: ). I would say that I definitely enjoyed it.


However, several things are missing this time around. I'm not sure if it's just because it's been so long since I've played, because I had to delete one of my characters (still not happy about that), or if it's because a lot of the player-to-player interactions are now limited (you can't use the GTN if you're F2P, you have a cap on the amount of messages you can send in the general chat, titles are gone unless you buy them back, even though you've already earned them; the list goes on and on).


Sorry about that little rant there. It just always bugs me when games screw over people who payed for a game by limiting what they can do, even if they already earned the ability to do that already.


Needless to say, I am not amused. :armscrossed:

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a lot of the player-to-player interactions are now limited (you can't use the GTN if you're F2P, you have a cap on the amount of messages you can send in the general chat,

well there goes a big reason i was going to go back. when i played (probably around the same time u did, back in March, and also only for the free month) i stupidly joined a server without looking at the population. it was quite an empty server, and being the game had been out for awhile at this point, there werent many low lvl people anyways. so a lot of the group and Heroic quests i either had to skip, or come back when i was higher so i could solo them...i was gunna retry it when it was F2P (hoping people would indeed come back and try it) and finally get to play the game with other people. BUT knowing the game A) sucks as a F2P and people wont be coming back nor staying long if they do and B) they limited the interactions between players, which is why i was oging to come back (interaction with players) means i most likely wont even be going back even to try it out. its too bad. im a fan of Star Wars. i was into this game since it was announced. the Betas were fun (cause there were people) and im an amateur MMO players (dont really get into them to max out 785943 toons, but i do play them and enjoy them, just never till lvl cap lol) so the whole SWTOR thing had always looked promising to me, as a thing i would like and an MMO i could finally really get into. its too bad to see it fail so hard. if only it adopted the Guild Wars model. (which btw, is finally an MMO i got into!!)

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  • 4 weeks later...

There was some article about the f2p in swtor, where it was written that to enjoy the f2p you would have to spent 56 dollars every month..ofcourse you dont have to spent on anything but the restrictions are sewere.


Basicaly its just extended trial to make you subscribe, but the author of the article said, how do they want to make people subscribe when they didnt wanted to be subs when swtor was still p2p.


Although the article seemed to be a bit harsh, i think it was spot on.

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@pavy If you are referring to article at gamasutra? I find that piece "Brutal" but "Honest". I agree that F2P is atrocious and that the author of the article hit it on the nail. F2P is just a marketing tool to draw people into becoming a subscriber, which was what EA intended it to be.


It would be nice if EAware would actually listen to feed back like this. But, as we all know any press on SWTOR is good press on SWTOR if it gets people to take a look at the game. That article is spot on. Beside fixing bugs, if EAWare actually listens to the author and others that share this view, they could have a very succesful product. Right now they are skimming the edge of mediacrity at best.I was never really one to believe all the EA is evil stuff. But I do think it's obvious that EA was behind the rushed conversion to F2P in under a year. Usually takes large MMOs a good year or two before such a large scale change like this.


@Firemans Yes there is, 4 Quick Bars now instead of the previous two.(lol) And to top it off Swtor is celebrating it's first year anniversary by giving all players 25 pcs fireworks(lame)along with more additional bugs from update 1.6 and news of the upcoming makeb expansion.

Edited by spets21
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@pavy If you are referring to article at gamasutra? I find that piece "Brutal" but "Honest". I agree that F2P is atrocious and that the author of the article hit it on the nail. F2P is just a marketing tool to draw people into becoming a subscriber, which was what EA intended it to be.


It would be nice if EAware would actually listen to feed back like this. But, as we all know any press on SWTOR is good press on SWTOR if it gets people to take a look at the game. That article is spot on. Beside fixing bugs, if EAWare actually listens to the author and others that share this view, they could have a very succesful product. Right now they are skimming the edge of mediacrity at best.I was never really one to believe all the EA is evil stuff. But I do think it's obvious that EA was behind the rushed conversion to F2P in under a year. Usually takes large MMOs a good year or two before such a large scale change like this.


@Firemans Yes there is, 4 Quick Bars now instead of the previous two.(lol) And to top it off Swtor is celebrating it's first year anniversary by giving all players 25 pcs fireworks(lame)along with more additional bugs from update 1.6 and news of the upcoming makeb expansion.


Yes it was on gamasutra.


Although i havent played the game myself, i been following it for almost a year...troll posts...critique posts....positive posts...i read it all.


I was interested, but the biggest thing that put me off was non-open world...i mean its star wars....i love to explore stuff, but after seeing the vids about the exhaustion zones....no matter how much people hate wow, the feeling of exploring is epic in that game and i was immagining something like that.

In my opinion the biggest mistake they did was to let bioware make an mmo, i mean these guys were good at doing signle player story-driven games not mmos and while the story must certainly be epic, it does shows that they kinda werent really planning in the long-term and the stories became a double-edged sword.

While they were epic, they sucked all of their resources and little was left for the game itself, wich for an mmo is kinda a killer i say.

They should have gone for balance, leave the stories voiced and everything else text....i just cant immagine how insane that must have been to voice everything.


After the last Aion update where they totaly killed rifting, i wanted to give it a try, but after seeing what they did with f2p, ill pass.

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