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Greater Face Customisation


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One of the things I was disappointed about in Flalout 3 is the limited nature of your ability to edit faces, in comparison with Oblivion. Perhaps some people found the Oblivion face editor too difficult to use, but I enjoyed the greater customisability.


Two areas come to mind as being extremely limited compared with Oblivion. Firstly, mouth customisation - yes its possible to increase or decrease the width of the mouth, but not to change the lip fullness, or the extent to which the mouth seems to be naturally frowning. IIRC you cant even move the mouth up or down either, meaning that the distance between the nose and the mouth is impossible to edit.


The second area is in my mind more important still. The ability to change the ratios between forehead, nose, and mouth. This is I think one of the greatest ways in which faces can differ from one another, yet the ability to edit these ratios is extremely limited - changing forehead height and chin height to the limited extent they can be does not suffice (especially when the mouth cant be moved up or down).


I dont mind if greater customisability, if it can be added, is implemented less than flawlessly. Even if I have to use an external program plus a no doubt soon to come face exchanger. In Oblivion, I was able to fairly accurately replicate my own face - likewise for one of my flatmates who was playing. Yet that's impossible in Fallout 3. In my opinion they should have given an "advanced mode" for those who wanted to play around with more sliders and scales ala Oblivion. Anyway, hopefully this is feasible...

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Download Facegen.. Make the face you'd like to have.. Import into the Fallout 3 Engine..


pretty simple IMO. In Oblivion I think the facegen stuff was hard coded meaning no "ADVANCED" mode could be possible because Facegen is a third party SDK- so it'd have to be hard coded right into the engine.


However you can download Facegen (the tool they used to develop the faces) and import what ever you made in that to Fallout 3.. this will give you greater controls.. it is much more advanced than Fallout 3's functionality. You'd have to research a bit on how the oblivion modders pulled it off.

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