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Mod incompatability, ranged spells don't work


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Hi guys (and girls),


I'm having a spot of trouble with mods here and really need some help. I'm quite new to modding and really had a ball trying out all sorts of different mods, am a real fan but half the time I don't understand what I'm doing. When mods just don't work no matter what one does it's really frustrating but no game-killer. However when mods affect gameplay permanently that really sucks. So one of my mods (thought it was Midas Magic) has messed up many of my magic spells. Many ranged spells can't be cast any more; for example with fire spells it does the hand movement but the fireball doesn't fly, the sound the spell normally makes resonates in a sort of loop which can only be brocken by saving and re-loading which is quite annoying. So as a battlemage that really sucks, as one can probably imagine.


The only way I could solve this was to re-install Oblivion on a new partition, with a different OP (7 instead of XP), but then none of my old saved games appeared in the load menu, evem though I copied all the saves to the right saves folder. In an effort to find out what went wrong or which mod was the culprit I uninstalled various mods one after another. Nothing worked, even unistalling Midas Magic Spells, Equipment Manager, etc so I don't know what to do next. With the amount of varous mods and various systems going here, I'm sure it's an incompatibility issue which I just can't figure out. Sorry to ask so much of the forum community as a new member, but I really can't continue playing like this. I'll go ahead and make screenshots of all the mods which are activated and deactivated so you can see what's going on here.


Thanks in advance,




P.S. Is there a spell-check somewhere? Can't find one.

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OK so here are the promised images of the long list of mods I've got going here. Although on the last image it looks like there's one more mod which one can't see there isn't. I'll also add images of the load order in a next post.


I know this is lots to ask and probably no-one wants to figure out what's wrong, but I'd really appreciate some help here - the game's really stunted without ranged magic attacks.


Thanks again in advace,




p.s. can't upload more than 250 kb so I'll try do this in numerous posts. Sorry, bear with me please.

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OK here's two images of my load order (again in 2 posts).


Please, if someone is reading this, getting anoyed and saying to themselves "man such a stupid question, just read the forums properly..." please don't just leave me in the dark - rather post a link to any discussions on this topic. Thanks. And yes I did look in the forums before just ignorantly typing this up.


Greetings :-)

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OK no worries - the "Better Ranged Spells" mod seems tp have solved the problem, at least for fire spells, haven't yet tested everything bur it seems to be ok. There are still minor issues like some npc's eyes (including - on occasion - Pym's) being black empty holes, some key figures haveing no speach anymore (they're just muted out, had to install silent speach to even be able to read what they're saying, mega anoying), some npc's clothes aren't compatible with their bodies, so parts of them are invisible (quite amusing seeing a torso and feet with no legs running around). So that means the main issue is resolved, now it's just annoying minor issues thich bug me. Also mods which just won't work, like both Companion Vilja's and CLS's BSAs won't install (is Main 11 part 1 the BSA?) - they say a newer version was detected, even though according to the info displayed in the right-hand "version" columb all parts are the same version, and when trying to install it fails with the message "System.OutOfMemoryExeption" even though I'm only using 1.86GB of my 4GB of RAM. So that means CLS won't even start, and Vilja won't gather herbs, although on my windows 7 installation both of these issues could be resolved.


So if someone would be so kind as to have a look at this or just give me some useful tipps, that would be very much appreciated, and if not well it's not a train-crash. At least I can entangle things from afar and them make them 100% vulnerable to e.g. fire or shock and then burn or shock them to bits :-D So that makes me a happy mage again. Just need to figure out a way of regaining mana quick enough to get going, though potions work quite well but it's slow going in and out of the inventory to grab drinks. Does anyone know of a mod which gives one more than 8 "hotkeys" which one can allocate to weapons, spells, potions or poisons? Those 8 are oh so restricting. If one had more like in Drakensang or WoW that would make a world of difference!


Well, sorry if I wasted your time ;-) Would still appreciate replies though.





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Claudia's Little Secret is very picky about how it is installed. Read through the mod comments and you'll see what I mean. It's more akin to a total conversion like Nehrim than a mod meant to be run along side other mods. Companion Vilja is just two files to be copied to your game's Data folder (1em_Vilja.esp and 1em_Vilja.bsa). It only gets slightly more complicated than that when you want any of the custom hairs etc.


I'm getting the impression that you've been installing all these mods using Nexus Mod Manager. If that's the case I'm greatly impressed you've made it this far. NMM is a recent addition to the installers field, and many if not most Oblivion mods weren't packaged with NMM installation in mind. My recommendation is read the mod description and follow the install instructions given there. If you install one mod at a time (or small groups of related or required mods where appropriate) and thoroughly test between installs it's a trivial matter to troubleshoot. Often reading through a mod's comments you'll find where you've gone wrong (and by reading mod comments before installing you can get an idea of the pitfalls to avoid ... and what mods to avoid).


Have a look at Maskar's Hotkey Pro. With a supply of restore and fortify magicka potions hotkeyed you can help yourself through the heat of battle (and don't ignore fortify intelligence and willpower either). Once my character progresses to the point where I'm closing Oblivion gates I always make sure I have kuertee's Magicka-based enchantment limits installed. With it you can create your own multiple enchantment jewelry and armor/clothes (even better when you start out with a vanilla multiple enchantment item like the Sorcerer's Ring or Ring of Wizardry found in random loot). Sigil Stone Selector compliments kuertee's mod by giving you the ability to chose which sigil stone you get when closing gates.

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Hi Striker,


thanks for your quick reply, it's good to know there's people out there who are willing to help noobs like me :-) Yes you're right I've been installing mainly with Nexus Mod Manager, and only when that didn't work (which was actually rather often) did I manually install by coppying the bsa, esp and other files into the data folder then activation the esp using NMM. I had actually been reading the mod descriptions which is how I learned to manually install, but hadn't thought of reading the comments too, thanks for that helpful tip. Yes I realised CLS is quite picky, and have settled with just having an entirely separate install on a separate partition (and separate OS) just for CLS. Yes it's awkward switching but with the ammount of mods I've got installed here it'd take ages to figure out what went wrong. Took me a while to figure out that one needs to properly (manually) install OBSE to get CLS to work, but then it was plain sailing.


Thanks also for those useful mod tips. I had actually found and tried to install Hotkey Pro, but it only worked now after re-booting. Wow that's a handy little mod, and I love how simple it is. All the others (like Hotkey Enhancer) are just too comlicated and wouldn't work for me as my laptop has no NUMpad. Yes I'm already closing gates (maxed out at level 30, 100% chameleon &/or reflect damage, 4 companions, etc) so that Sigil Stone will surely be a life-saver. It just seems to have the unfortunate side-effect of having de-activated the duping option of Sigil Stones AND essences for Midas - two "cheats" I was really relishing. Well I guess it's more authentic (and more "honest") without that posibility. Enhancement Limit is also great, although seeing as I have Unlimited Amulets & Rings installed that's just a nice little frill. Well I guess it's shameless cheating to just wear like all the rings and amulets one can find. Guess it would be better just just wear a few mega enhanced rings.


Well, thanks again for your help. Now Oblivion has just got a lot funner :-)





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Wow this is a much cooler way of playing Oblivion, those few little mods make such a difference, and it's so good to have my ranged spells back! Sigil Stone Selector doesn't work for me, but I see in the comments that it seems not to work without some Sigil Enhancer mod. Oh well, that'll have to wait till next session. Must add it's a very bad idea to take four companions with when closing gates - they keep falling off bridges between towers and dying, or falling into the fire at the bottom of the Sigil tower. Just lost Pym - she (or her body) came back to Cyrodil but appeared half-way across the map and when I went to try find her it was just a marker on the map but no Pym. Tried to load a save from before entering Oblivion, caused the game to crash though. Oh well, four companions is overkill anyway...


Soz if I'm spamming or typing too much - new to forums too, not sure what's too much i.e. when ppl stop reading :-/

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