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Mod incompatability, ranged spells don't work


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Some companions (e.g. Companion Vilja) are coded to work when closing gates with this important caveat ... make certain they are right with you when taking the sigil stone and not in combat at all.


At little utility that you may find useful is Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM. It may be just what you need for your CLS problem (far an away simpler than multiple partitions).


- Edit - Don't worry about 'spamming', at least not in your own thread. It's incredibly difficult to troubleshoot the problems that just say "My game won't start" (and that's all the info they provide until you drag the details out of them). You gave enough info for me to make some assumptions and give some suggestions. That you've successfully integrated NMM and manual install tells me you'll do fine.

Edited by Striker879
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