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Question about dialogue


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I was just thinking - the follow me dialogue option is very...brusque. More than my character would like to be, personally. Would it be a big undertaking to simply change it to something like...hmm.

"Would you travel with me? I need your help" or something similar?

Preferably across the board, so all npcs that can be followers have that option. (if necessary in place of the original dialogue, although having both options would be aewsome.)

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Really, if you ask me, there is room to improve dialogue all across the board in this game. Constantly I come across moments where the options take me out of the narrative. Take, for a random example, when you walk up to the Dawnstar museum for the first time... you're invited inside, and your only option to consent is: "Sounds good."


Seriously? "Sounds good"? What am I, a frat boy?


My point is, I think it's a good idea across the board to just ignore the actual words the devs chose, and instead invent your own that essentially mean the same thing. You can just hit "follow me" and pretend, for your own roleplaying purposes, that your character is asking more politely.


At least, that's what I do.



I was just thinking - the follow me dialogue option is very...brusque. More than my character would like to be, personally. Would it be a big undertaking to simply change it to something like...hmm.

"Would you travel with me? I need your help" or something similar?

Preferably across the board, so all npcs that can be followers have that option. (if necessary in place of the original dialogue, although having both options would be aewsome.)

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It's very much possible to do this.. I just have no idea how.


Someone made an entire khajiit-specific dialogue overhaul.

This ones does exactly what you want.. for the Dawnguard armored trolls and nothing else.


The khajiit one was completely broken by a patch a while ago. This appears to have been fixed, but messing with dialogue might not be the greatest idea until the game is a bit more stable.

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that's actually what l've been doing, sorta. just - pretending. l'm kind of wanting to do more roleplay stuff instead of just costing along, but part of it's - l pretend npcs have feelings..


k l'm hiding now. bye.

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It comes down to the quality of the writing, of course, but there's a really big hurdle in the 80 character limit on PC dialogue. I can't count how many times I've had to cut down my original scripts to the bare essentials to fit the player's dialogue within that window.
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