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what is causing this?


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so for some reason there is this insufferable blue hue that glows on the side of my character's eyes and i want it gone. ive tried everything and it wont come off. i even tried showracemenu but as soon as id load my game back up the blue hue would come back. it not only looks bad, but it also makes first person unplayable because the sides of the screen are blue circles....please help? i rly dont feel like starting over, ive gotten very far... below is the screenshot of what im talking about. is there ANY way to fix this short of starting a new character?








Edited by infamousraziel
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It seems to be a common problem, um, this thread




Open console

player.addspell (here you need to find the ID for whatever MGEF is affecting you)

Close console

Open console

player.removespell (your MGEF ID here again

Close console


The MGEF in your case is probably

000A852B : Draugr Glow Eyes (AbFXDraugrEyes)



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Here is the solution. I had the same problem and this helped me :


- In third person, open the console and enter "player.addspell 000f71d1"


- Close the console and notice a slight darkening around your character


- Open the console again and enter "player.removespell 000f71d1"


- Close the console and your eyes should stop glowing.

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