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The Evolving Society Mod


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My vote goes towards making it something you check up on a while... There are so many mods that add extra content out there, why should this one suck up the player's time and not allow them to play those, at least with the same character.
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Hmmm.... Yes the walls might not be nesscery, and it's true that it could complicate with placing the village anywhere.


But another idea (maybe already said) is that the PC could sentence people to prison (after it's built) and ultimately to death (hanged at the gallows or decapitated etc.).

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I like this idea. I have one possible suggestion.


As with any settlement in a new area, someone or something usually gets pushed off.


Perhaps there is another group of inteligent beings there already and you must either get rid of them, protect them, or make peace and compromise with them as the society grows. That could be made more difficult because of difficulties in communicating. Maybe the creature that is intelligent isnt humanoid and is perceived as a lowly beast or a threat. Finding out that the creatures ARENT just lowly beasts and how to make peace with them, or how to get rid of them, could be a fun line of quests that are available.

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Prisons? Hmm . . . I will keep an eye for anything I may need to add to the engine.


stars2heaven, I am not planning on using any non-existing object/actor as I really not sure if I will recruit a team when the engine gets finished . . . but . . . supposing I do, how would you suggest these non-human NPCs be integrated in the community?


Depending on the appearance, it may get weird, like a cow-like NPC as Captain-of-the-Guard. lol

A Minotaur as a blacksmith would be OK, I guess. Or Trolls working as miners, maybe?


A possible twist of this concept is that the island could be pre-populated with these fierce looking beasts and most players would slaughter them without a second thought. It would go undocumented that they are intelligent and could be allies that would come handy at the early stages of the community. The few 'pacifists' among the players would be rewarded . . . kind of an Easter egg of sorts.

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I suggest you keep the PC on the island until the Mod is complete.Each NPC that arrives has some task/decision for the PC to handle.When you develope your NPCs, develope the sidequest for each one.That should keep our hero busy for awhile.
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Prisons? Hmm . . . I will keep an eye for anything I may need to add to the engine.


stars2heaven, I am not planning on using any non-existing object/actor as I really not sure if I will recruit a team when the engine gets finished . . . but . . . supposing I do, how would you suggest these non-human NPCs be integrated in the community?


Depending on the appearance, it may get weird, like a cow-like NPC as Captain-of-the-Guard. lol

A Minotaur as a blacksmith would be OK, I guess. Or Trolls working as miners, maybe?


A possible twist of this concept is that the island could be pre-populated with these fierce looking beasts and most players would slaughter them without a second thought. It would go undocumented that they are intelligent and could be allies that would come handy at the early stages of the community. The few 'pacifists' among the players would be rewarded . . . kind of an Easter egg of sorts.


Hmm, I was thinking of maybe borrowing a bit from the history books. Making peace with the locals, who know a great deal more about the local fauna/flora could be beneficial to the farmers by providing new crops or better ways to grow existing crops. Thereby speeding up the harvesting process or increasing the harvest yeild, and therefore profit. Trade could also be important. Maybe these things (Goblins for instance) live in a few caves that have gold or silver veins. Taking it from them is possible, but maybe they know of where more can be found if you made peace with them, and could mine it for you more cheaply than hireing your own workers, thereby turning a greater profit for you and the town.


I like the easter egg sort of thing. The whole point was that it shouldnt be imediately obvious that there is the potential for friendship and mutual benefit between your settlement and the locals.


Also, in regards to your post a few before mine, I like the idea of slower change where you can leave and come back rather than a very fast pace change. But then again, if you provided enough side quests in the area, leaving may not be necessary.

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If I get to implement NPC leveling, the first NPCs that the player meets would be the ones that improve the most and will, most likely, become the player right/left hand or second|third-in-command. Therefore they should be 'normal' NPCs.

These first NPCs will work on the first needs of the community: food and wood.


But there will be some time until the society start requiring stone and metal, so the idea of some beast-line natives could be used in mines and quarries, as you suggest. This time delay would come handy, so the player starts by hearing rumors about 'animals' lurking in the forest and ends by doing something about it.


I will keep an eye for anything I may need to add to the engine to support this concept if it gets implemented. But I don't think this affects the engine as, technically, is another method of hiring NPCs.



And I hope we turn out with enough activities to keep the player in the island. Otherwise I would need to develop an Artificial Intelligence group of scripts to 'run' the island while the player is away. lol


A cheap solution would be the island kind of freezing in time while the player is away. Although cheap, this may work just fine, as many aspects of the game behave this way.

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Prisons? Hmm . . . I will keep an eye for anything I may need to add to the engine.


stars2heaven, I am not planning on using any non-existing object/actor as I really not sure if I will recruit a team when the engine gets finished . . . but . . . supposing I do, how would you suggest these non-human NPCs be integrated in the community?


Depending on the appearance, it may get weird, like a cow-like NPC as Captain-of-the-Guard. lol

A Minotaur as a blacksmith would be OK, I guess. Or Trolls working as miners, maybe?


A possible twist of this concept is that the island could be pre-populated with these fierce looking beasts and most players would slaughter them without a second thought. It would go undocumented that they are intelligent and could be allies that would come handy at the early stages of the community. The few 'pacifists' among the players would be rewarded . . . kind of an Easter egg of sorts.


Hmm, I was thinking of maybe borrowing a bit from the history books. Making peace with the locals, who know a great deal more about the local fauna/flora could be beneficial to the farmers by providing new crops or better ways to grow existing crops. Thereby speeding up the harvesting process or increasing the harvest yeild, and therefore profit. Trade could also be important. Maybe these things (Goblins for instance) live in a few caves that have gold or silver veins. Taking it from them is possible, but maybe they know of where more can be found if you made peace with them, and could mine it for you more cheaply than hireing your own workers, thereby turning a greater profit for you and the town.


I like the easter egg sort of thing. The whole point was that it shouldnt be imediately obvious that there is the potential for friendship and mutual benefit between your settlement and the locals.


Also, in regards to your post a few before mine, I like the idea of slower change where you can leave and come back rather than a very fast pace change. But then again, if you provided enough side quests in the area, leaving may not be necessary.



I have't chipped in before now as i didn't think there was much i could add - but this idea of the creatures already being there got me thinking. It might be possible with vanilla SI creatures - the Elytra spring to mind - especially the whole felldew concept. could something not be done with similar scripting - ie they don't attack whilst under effects, but in this case you can't understand them until an object held/potion drunk/item eaten/ring worn/quest completed condition is met - and only then does the 'felldew effect' becomes more permanent and you can then communicate with the creatures - who offer advice/help/trade etc? the AI would already be in place for these creatures and (i imagine - new to modding) be easyish to adapt as all conditions are already held within the game...

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Qquix i love your idea and also started a topic like this and i thought your mod actually goes around building a society and mine goes around colonizing an island to a new imperial province and building so i thought what if we merge. i got an entirely worked out idea and plan so what if i PMed you my plan or do you want it to be posted here we can work it out a little quicker since i am modder that loves making NPCs :biggrin:

what is your answer:

if yes :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

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this reminds me of a game I played loooong ago (cant remember the name), where you had to explore the galaxy, mine planets to collect raw materials, etc. There was a 'main quest' and a lot of races you met along the way and, from each race you got a piece of the main quest puzzle.

Problem was that, when you first met a new race, you could not understand them and the dialogs was replaced with misc symbols like @#$%*&. As the relationship with a race evolved, you could read more and more letters of the dialog, until you finally got the information you needed.


I remember I loved that game. I suppose something like this could be applied here.




First of all . . . sure, post here, as ideas are always welcome and tend to stimulate more ideas.


I read your thread and it seems we are aiming at the same general goal: start with an empty island and develop it into an imperial province (as you put it) or a diversified community (as I put it).


But we are using completely different 'mechanics': for example, for the player determining his main strategy and tactics, you are using the concept of baselines and detail lines and I am using the concept of a per-building upgrade.


As I see it, our mods are not TECHICALLY mergeable, because, from your description, your mod needs a completely different engine (meaning the main set of scripts).


I am open to suggestions and ideas about the storyline and side quests (the reason of this topic in the first place), but after putting several hundred hours worth on the scripts to implement my mechanics, I cannot afford more than a few very minor adjustments to the engine I already have.


You may also want to check this thread at BGSF. Jiggle was planning on a project along the same lines.

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