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The Evolving Society Mod


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Yes, no and yes.

Yes, the player will need to recruit soldiers the same way he has to recruit all other NPCs.

But the purpose of soldiers will be to protect the city and villages from attack. As the island progress, bandits and pirates will notice it and will attack. If the defensive forces don’t keep up with the island wealth, much may be lost in an attack.

The player will have to provide the proper equipment to them, matching the level of the training. At the beginning, the simple soldiers will only be able to use, say, iron weapons. When you manage to upgrade their Barracks to a Fort, they will use better weapons, and so on.

The idea is that the player drops enough weapons and armor in some container in their garrison and they will chose their equipment themselves from that lot.

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New year, new status report! . . . And happy new year to all !!

(as always, the same report here and in the BSG sister thread and the Official VOX POPULI Forum at the Wormhole)


I finished the task I reported last time: mapping and packing together the buildings/walls/city lights/etc in the VOX island, so now I can enable them one by one as needed (it turned out to be almost 4,000 refs which were packed in 260+ sets).


Next (time consuming) task is to determine which is which, i.e., which building will be the church (easy), which will be the forge, which will be the barracks, the houses, etc.


But, as I went back to the main mod, I decided to refactor+improve the ACE AI so NPCs may vary their daily routine and decide what to do with their time, e.g., at noon, whether to go take lunch at home, at the tavern or even, skip lunch and go to church (or the doctor).


This will take a month or so, but it will make it generic so, in the future, it will be easier to add new activities (like go fishing, go to the theater, dating, look for a job, etc).


On the other hand, for the first release, I may keep the main city fixed also (no choosing of the architecture). This may save some time as, although I have put a lot of effort on the dynamic buildings, there are some things that still must be improved (mostly on the path grid manipulation).


Bear with me. Someday this mod will be out (hopefully, this year :D )


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  • 2 months later...

Hay there , this mod sounds awesome and im all for it , would love to know when it is completed , do you have an approximate due date ? I'm really loving the ideas and personally i think more games should use your mod as a schematic for their gameplay. Lots of RPG games lack that feeling of "freedom of choice" , please as soon as you have finished this mod let me know. If you looking for a tester for it , just email me , got lots of free time daily. [email protected]

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Well, I am no good at guessing, as anyone that follow this thread can confirm, considering the times I guessed and failed. (mostly because I keep side-tracking re-factoring things)


The task I guessed in the previous post that would take a month, I have not even started. It just happens that most of the 200+ buildings do not have a door and I have to place them and register each door in my mod, so I can use them in the AI. One city done. Three to go.


I still plan to create the interiors dynamically (the scripts are done and tested) so I will not have to create 200+ interiors in the CS.


So, no date. Just the hope that it will be this year.


I will let you know when the first Alpha version is ready for testing. Thanks for your interest.

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Hay man , this really got my interest. As old as this game is , doing something like you are at this moment will really spark some interest. I can tell you now that this mod is going to be huge. have you thought of getting more modders to work on the project?

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This mod is pretty much only scripts (300+ and counting), since I am using the landscape and cities from NPCs With Jobs (a dead project)


I love programming (I started my professional career as a programmer – I will not give a date because nobody would believe) and scripting this mod is my hobby. Having someone else helping in one’s hobby does not make much sense, does it? It would just steal some of my fun.


Finishing the mod is just the second objective. I would be in no particular hurry, was it not for being conscious that, by publicly discussing this project, I created some expectations and I kind of owe you guys a finished mod. Besides, these expectations were what kept me going in the few occasions when the motivations faded and I considered moving on to another hobby.


To be honest, the success/acceptation of the mod is the least of my concerns.

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  • 2 months later...

Can we ask for a list of the official features which the mod will include? Detail wouldnt really be required. Just a basic of what we can expect? I plan on promoting this mod to a whole bunch of my friends. Just want to make it easier to explain as I cannot seperate the ideas which have been scrapped from the ones which have been used.


Thank thee kind Sir. :smile:

Edited by frances155
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Sure . . .



As you may see in the intro, the player takes up on a journey to a rich land but the ship wrecks mid-way and the player and three others find themselves in a very small island. When the dawn comes, they see a larger mass of land at swimming distance, so there they go . . .

Using some material and food from the ship that came ashore, they are able to build tents and survive the first days.

Knowing that nobody knew or cared about their voyage, they do not expect a rescue team coming after them, so they prepare for a long stay.

To survive, they need food and better accommodation, so the player directs each of them to a particular task, according to their capabilities: wood and stone to build huts and food to survive.

As days go by, other ships sink in the area and the group grows with the arrival of a few other castaways.



You, as the leader of the community, must decide what to build with the limited resources available. Does the community need a sawmill more than a tavern? Probably. But what do they WANT? Maybe the tavern is what they want.

Should you use your material to improve the farmer’s house (so she gets happier and produce more food) or improve the sawmill to produce more planks? Well . . . if people are starving, the former, if people long for better houses, the latter.

Should you build a cathedral or stone walls? Wharf or shipyard?


Whatever you decide, some will like it (and will work better and produce more) and some will not like it (and produce less – eventually leaving the community).

Your challenge is to make the right decisions and keep the people happy (hence, VOX POPULI ) so, over time, they turn into a large, thriving community instead of a bunch of savages.


Besides this main objective, you must:

  • Hire the right person for the right job
  • Find better areas to explore each type of resource
  • Protect your people from attacks (beasts, pirates, marauders, etc)
  • When you get to go back to Tamriel:

o find knowledge to improve your production process, or

o Find specialists willing to join your community

  • Build your main city and other villages the way you like them (optional)


Well . . . pretty much these, I guess.

Edited by QQuix
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