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Left 4 Dead


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Official Left 4 dead reviews


In my opinion Left 4 dead is awesome every online match is intense and single player is different every time. I have it for the Xbox 360 and it's unbelievable, especially when your playing with people you know.

I'm not to sure about it for the PC. But I don't believe it's that different from the 360. I would suggest to anyone to buy this game.

Some of the moments I have had with my friends are hilarious and unforgettable, and the zombies are crazy.

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On the PC with max settings, highest resolution, forced extras, and an HD LCD 40" Philips TV for a monitor, the graphics are so dated it's incredible this game released so far after the Source engine was invented. Valve strings everything out for the last penny.



After buying it and playing it night and day for two days... I've noticed that Versus is really the only mode receiving traffic. Coop, what the game was originally intended for, is almost useless unless you know the people you're playing with. There's no time to chat to each other, and no reason too. Very simplified design, either play the game, or gtf off Steam. No real communication, no real team based tactics, just run and blast everything like it was a speedrun game and leave your team mates to fight the swarms and tanks without you. It's kind of a shame really.

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yeah im ordering man , legit copy cost me around 120.33$ gonna wait cuz my brother aint back from overseas so yeah if i had this game by the tomorow i play with you guys , well yeah im not sure the point of the game but ill have that game tomorrow if any of you want to play up with me im down with it pm me all the way be my friend :D im a great team member trust me im good spotting enemies etc my eyes can see miles away and im a good spotter even if i died at the team death match i still assist you guys with points im pretty resourceable teammates i wont let you down , by tomorrow i should have it cuz my brother just got back from china and he bought me some plenty of games i wanna play with plus the legit copy on china are cheaper :D
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  • 2 weeks later...

I came across this game and absolutely loved it. Im a big resident evil fan, cause I basically grew up with the games and movies... But this just puts the nonstop action into the game which resident evil, silent hill, or any real zombie game hasn't. Saying this game is the best zombie game doesn't give it enough credit. Its awesome.


Sometimes, it even has the thrill that F.E.A.R. gave you when playing it... (Yes, when I was playing FEAR i actually jumped from some of the stuff... more than once!) I loved that game.


So far I haven't encountered anything that has scared me like those games in Fallout 3... but that only happens when you really get drawn into a game. :D


For those of you that haven't played FEAR (and not the multiplayer the actual singleplayer) YOU SHOULD!

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