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Usable Handcarts


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You just cleared a major dungeon...


And as luck would have it, there is just too much good stuff to leave behind but niether can you carry it... what ever shall you do?


Well many a Mod has addressed this plight in one way of another. Everything from making you into supper-human pack-mule to equiping you with extra pockets that carry it all for you. But hey... the obbvious thing is to do what people do, and grab a hand cart!


Now wouldn't it be nice if you could, say, grab a handcart, load it in much the same way as you might pack a cheast or put books on the book shelf... and slip back inside to grab a bit more booty to haul back into town? Then when your ready to go, you stand near the cart and (activate) it... picking up the handles, and pulling it along behind you!


They already have the carts in the game... would someone please make them usefull?

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  • 1 month later...
i totally agree, like a fully animated pulling animation, maybe even the more stuff you place inside your cart, the more stuff appears on the in game model, like begs, boxes and crap hanging off the sides., it should also be every cart in the game can be turned into one of these Travel carts, maybe even have it bounce around to the contours of the land your on so that it's not just an attachment on the player, like the wagon mod for the horse. Edited by sypherbigbot
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