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Refilling the weapons like in Oblivion


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Hello everybody!


I'd like to know if there's any mean to refill my enchanted weapons like in Oblivion.


For those who never played this game when I have for example a weapon with 400 points of charge and it gets empty or nearly and I trap a 400 points soul I'd like to automatically have these 400 points transfered instead of this f*cking system that succeeds with the little happiness of luck or will give 200 points sometimes or only one even with the highest level of chance and enchanting.


I know the weapons refill when I don't do anything or sleep but you keep wandering in the woods of Solstheim with a level 250 warrior and the highest difficulty your enchantments decrease very fastly and you don't always have the time to rest or wait so if you could give me the solution to solve this problem I woul be very greatful to you. :-)

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