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[LE] Making a modded spell that costs items per use


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That is ok. I know the feeling lol.


Hopefully this guy will try out my update of your script in game and see how it works. My only concern is the game will not return a caster actor unless the spell has a target actor ( hits an NPC ) but I think will.

Edited by SurfsideNaturals
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I'd only be guessing too about that.

I think Maxarturo's point about getting the actual spell working correctly first, then adding the conditions and any scripts afterwards is absolutely the right way to go, or else the OP is never sure which bit is wrong. It could be that my original suggestion would have worked.

OP, how are you testing this? You must test from a game that has never seen the mod. That includes re-using a save even if you don't save the game while testing. It's especially important with scripts and properties in scripts. I found that out the hard way. I spent days wondering why an activator that had worked before when testing, didn't work later. it was just that I'd reassigned a property on the activator script. The game seems to log the values of properties when the script is used and that gets imbedded. Given that you're trying all sorts of scripts and properties here, your testing method is vital.

A good way to test is to use the 'live another life' mod (unless your mod may clash with it, not the case here). Then you can skip the intro, 'TGM' and coc into a cell full of bandits and test away in seconds.

If you are testing like this, then it's one other thing we needn't worry about.

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Well, he never posted back, but I'll throw my two cents in anyway. Who knows.


This may not be the most efficient way of doing it, I strictly use a framework for my mod to determine whether or not the player has the correct items, levels ect to use a spell. So feel free to correct where I'm wrong.


What this will do;

Set conditional item requirement

Set script to check and remove item on use

Unequip once out of item(s)


What this won't do;

Whatever you limit yourself to


First, hop in to your script. Since this will be added to the ME, there's no point in going back and forth.




Scriptname SomeTestSpellScript Extends ActiveMagicEffect 

Ingredient Property ReqItem Auto ;Either fill in with the CS item name, or keep as is and manually fill in item for use in multiple scripts

Int Property ReqAmount ;The amount needed to cast the spell. Leave as is for multi-use or set as a static

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto ;Fastest way to obtain player AFAIK

Spell Property SpellName Auto ;Fill in with actual spell, or again keep as is for multiple use

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

  Int ItemCount = PlayerRef.GetItemCount(ReqItem)

  If Caster == PlayerRef ;Makes sure it's the player casting, so this can be used for NPC's if wanted
    If ItemCount < ReqAmount ;Simple maffs
      Debug.Notification("You do not have enough " + ReqItem + ". You need " + ReqAmount + ".") ;Let's the player know how much of what item is needed
      PlayerRef.UnequipSpell(SpellName, 1) ;0 is Left hand, 1 Right hand and 2 is shout slot ;;Note - May require actual link to spell will display in next spoiler
      PlayerRef.RemoveItem(ReqItem, ReqAmount, True) ;Silently removes the required amount of required item from player
      ;Insert anything else you want done if it is the player casting the spell here
    ;Insert anything you want a NPC to do with this spell here





Linking spell if that is needed




;Just showing how to link spells

Spell Property FireSpell Auto
Spell Property IceSpell Auto
Spell Property LightningSpell Auto

Under your event. you would then declare all of your properties to a single variable
Something like

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

Spell EquippedSpell = PlayerRef.GetEquippedSpell(1) ;Again, 0 left, 1 right, 2 shout

Then you would change up the unequip a little bit, to find the correct spell

If EquippedSpell = FireSpell
  PlayerRef.UnequipSpell(FireSpell, 1)
ElseIf EquippedSpell = IceSpell
  PlayerRef.UnequipSpell(IceSpell, 1)

and so on

;-; Again, I use a framework for my spells where the spell scripts are interacting with 
each other regularly, so there's probably a better way
that is simpler than this for what you're looking for




Then, go into your magic effect, attach the script after naming it and all that. Don't forget to go into the script in the ME menu and set the properties.


Oh, one thing. If you do not set a Magic Skill in the ME menu, the spell will not show up in game. Just an FYI, least it's the case I keep coming across.


After that, just create the spell(s), attach the magic effect(s), then set the condition as was mentioned in previous posts.

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