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Having CTD and Corrupted files? This may help. And other tips.


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An infinite load screen could indicate a corrupted file.


If you are having issues with corrupted saves and/or CTD because corrupted saves.


You can check to see if the save is corrupted and possibly fixing it with "ReSave". ReSave is on the Nexus, a must have app.

ReSave: Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76776/?tab=files


Another indication of corruption, your file size is smaller than your previous hard saves. Not auto saves or quick saves they are always bigger than hard saves


Check the flies with ReSave and delete all corrupted files. Note: make sure you close and open ReSave before each file checked. It appears that if a file is loaded everything else it checks says they are corrupted even when they are not.


Delete or move to another folder all the saves except the last few uncorrupted saves.


Check your HD space to, make sure it’s not getting low on memory it will effect your saves if it is low. If you can afford it, use another drive to keep the primary drive as small as possible. This could be related the number of saves in the folder.


(If needed) Clean save with ReSave, Save as; Cleaned### (### is the save number)


1. Open the last good save or the one you just cleaned.


2. Once in Game reload the same save again.


3. Once again back in game, Save.


4. Go to 3rd Person.


5. Open Console; Select your character and type kill.


6. Once back in game save and continue playing.


Why this works I have no idea. I found all of this online and I combined several of them into this little procedure. I have been using this procedure for several weeks and it has been working great for me. I have been testing mods a lot the last several months and have corrupted the game saves at times, to a point, that I would have to start a new game every two or three weeks. On top of testing mods to see if I liked them or not I wanted to see how many I could install before the game hard crashed. Right now I’m hovering around 600, and my save just short of 60mb and at level 22. The procedures described above have kept me from having to start the game over; so far, it’s been about seven weeks, so far.


Other Discoveries/Tips:

When leaving the new Virtual Workshop my camera view got stuck above my char, couldn’t move. To fix I found by typing tfc in console, which I could still use, then aim my weapon, I would be back to normal view. I could not duplicate the bug at all after that time. It seemed that leaving the pod put me in some kind of Partial Free Cam and when I typed in tfc it place my view looking up from the floor at my character and I could still move the character but once I aimed my gun I went back to normal first person. Just weird or Bethesda being Bethesda.



Low fps, first try restarting or shutdown the computer and then restart the game. If you are using F4SE start steam first (if you are using it) before you start the game.


If you do not understand something let me know and I will try rewriting it so it can be understood. Also any additional insights, tips, settings, etc. let me know. I would like to add them to my list.


Update: Additional Tips/Observations:


- You need to start a playthrough with min number of mods because there are issues with some quest starting or not progressing properly because of some mod conflicts. Once out of the vault then activate on all the mods. I'm using Vortex, it's good, I set up a separate profile for starting and then just changed the profile the first chance out of the vault then continue playing.


- [stormWolf01] One thing that can corrupt your saves is trying out mods, and then uninstalling them. The scripts from those mods are still baked into your savegames. See StomWolf01 comments for further suggestions.

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As far as corrupted saves go.

One thing that can corrupt your saves is trying out mods, and then uninstalling them. The scripts from those mods are still baked into your savegames.

My recommendation on that one is to have several savegames which are set aside JUST for testing mods. Games that you really don't care too much about, and can delete without any remorse. I also recommend cycling through those on a regular basis. By deleting them and creating new ones.

I ESPECIALLY recommend this, for trying out Creation Club content.

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StormWolf01 I had the same problem and I agree for the most of what you said but when I started using ReSave, I was able to remove some of the corruption. The gamesave I am using I not considering a legitimate playthrough I am just playing to test out mods. But once I get everything working and stable, then I will play without cheating other than geting through bethesda's screw ups.


I had to restart from the beginning at least a dozen times before I finally put that procedure together. So yes tinkering with the mods will definitely cause corruption. But ReSave does help, try it out let me know what you think.

ReSave link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/?


I consider myself a true amator gamer in all of this. But I have been using computers since the TRS-80 and keypunch.


Oh' another thing I found out with this testing, you need to start with min number of mods because of issues with quest starting or not progressing properly because of some conflict.


So this is why I am posting this, in hopes that I can create a list of helpful hints that will help people.

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Heyas Silver! Yeah, I caught on that you were trying to put together a help thread, for reference. Which, is good on you, btw! Thanks for trying to help us out around here :)

I had forgotten about Resaver! Thanks for bringing that up! I've recommend fallrim tools here and there, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76776/? but I'd forgotten about this.

I'll try to help out with the info that I can pass along, as it comes into mind. Or, when I see a new issue, and I think it would go well here.

Thanks again!

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StormWolf your link is the correct one, my mistake for not double checking it. I'm writing these posts on my Mac and did not use Vortex to link back to the correct mod page. I have been taking some time away from Fallout 4 avoiding re-coverting all the esp-esl I did because bethesda changed the esl file to some degree in the november update. So I'm playing Fallout 76 and try out a new build to see if it would work the last week or so. Probably will get back to the grind this week or next.

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