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Voice Actors needed!!


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Oh why not.... I have some spare time coming up. I have a Southern accent if you want to put it to good use. (male) Can be cliche redneck on demand if required. :thumbsup:


I can work you in. I'll have some nords mercenaries and hired hands so I'm sure a strong country accent will go nicely. =) Like I said in the comments above, I send the first script out b the end of this week.

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here is the first script release. It mostly contains only a back-story, and a major of Jhaz's first part of dialogue. send in auditions of the dialogue if you wish to be a certain character. i will keep posting to keep you all up to date on the mod.

If you have anyone who can join up for dialogue or working the actual mod, please send them my way. Oh and for the dialogue. the player parts are not meant to be spoken.


Thank you all for your help,


Edited by Manjarowolf
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Second Script edit is up on the 1st page of the thread guys. Make sure to download it from there.

and not the one above! :turned:


Thanks again!


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Is there anything different besides names and the second quest? I mean, for males. :P


not yet i'm afraid. i'm still working on this mod's technical sides. so i'm changing the story as I progress. I'll release another update soon.

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I have a very good mic,just ask me what male roles you need me to do,unfortunately,my voice isn't very deep and I haven't figured out how to do a good grainy voice (which means I suck at doing anything that sounds like solid snake :P) Edited by ricechex
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