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Functional museum/business


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Ever since Morrowind, I've been an incurable pack rat. If an item in the game is unique, even if it's just a unique name on a standard sword model, I'm keeping it. From what I hear, I'm hardly the only one who does this.


Now there are many player homes that let you display your collection, but that's sort of the end of it. You get an impossibly huge house packed with mannequins and display cases that only you ever look at, maybe, if you roleplay it. That's a shame.


When I saw this mod on the Workshop I thought I'd found the perfect solution, but this one and many like it are private buildings. I would love a mod that makes a museum like that functional, with visiting NPCs and a donation box. Ideally, the more stuff you display, the more visitors you'll get and the happier they will be (and the more donations you will get). At its core, it would be a business mod that actually requires you to go out there and go on quests instead of putting saving the world on hold to run a farm or brewery.


Unfortunately I have very limited experience with CK. The very best I could realistically do with the skills I have is make the actual building, and it probably wouldn't look very nice. I thought about fiddling with the mod I linked to above, but I'm afraid it's just more fiddling than I can reasonable teach myself. I know it's a huge request, but if there's any generous modders out there who want to see this happen as badly as I do, I will do whatever I can to help!

Edited by charlottenoyen
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The way I imagined it, you could buy the building and then open up more and more rooms (like a Daedric room, armor room, weapons room and so on) by purchasing keys for them. So the more rooms you purchase, the more visitors you get, the more money you get in donations. Maybe even have to option to hire a guard, tour guide, a curator who tells you where to find unique items...


I do feel bad asking for all of this without being able to contribute. But it's just so far beyond my abilities, and I figured there's no harm in asking.

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