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First time want to play Skyrim - need help


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I've never been able to get used to SkyUI. I've tried it 3 or 4 times, but always end up switching back to vanilla. I'm not sure what it is about SkyUI that irritates me, but it's just not something I can use. :confused:
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I've never been able to get used to SkyUI. I've tried it 3 or 4 times, but always end up switching back to vanilla. I'm not sure what it is about SkyUI that irritates me, but it's just not something I can use. :confused:

at one point l wanted to use it. Not fond of the vanilla ui at all, and was hoping skyUI would fix that.

Thing is, at the time - this was at the start of the year - it was basically the same ui with more columns for neat icons and stuff. The extra information was nice l guess, but it didn't fix what bothered me in the first place about the ui - the scrolling list concept - so l left it as is. Wonder if i should check it out again..lol

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Ah, but the filter box. The filter box is what makes skyUI great - if you're a packrat. Which all of my characters turn out as. Click the filter box > type part of name > get neat shortlist of results. Heaven.


@luzburg: if you don't know any better, you just put up with it. And dump all your excess stuff in a chest.

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I think it's the fact that the ui is pretty similar to vanilla in concept (tho the filter IS a nice idea). What i really want is an inventory based around the stupid items themselves, not the blasted item names. i miss my morrowind grid inventory damnit. :(

/sob :down:

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Yeah, I think that's the main issue. I used the sort by weight, or price options, but everything was still all scrambled up, and half the icons are just X, which annoyed me. Better sorting sounds like a great idea. Sounds. Like. In practice, it doesn't really work because a lot of the items are modded or changed by mods, and not all mods support better sorting, so you still end up with an inventory full of craziness.


There's another UI that hasn't been updated in ages. It looks nicer to me. But I'd prefer a grid inventory ala Morrowind, or a specific setting I used for Oblivion's Darnified UI.

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Beth doesn't acknowledge bad decisions, so I sincerely doubt it. I suspect that it came down to 11/11/11... things got increasingly rushed as the release date approached, and since they had a working (if clumsy) UI, the notion of re-building it got scrapped in favour of other, more pressing priorities.
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Beth doesn't acknowledge bad decisions, so I sincerely doubt it. I suspect that it came down to 11/11/11... things got increasingly rushed as the release date approached, and since they had a working (if clumsy) UI, the notion of re-building it got scrapped in favour of other, more pressing priorities.


Actually it was all about appealing to the console audience. I can understand them expanding their area of interest so I won't blame them that much. SkyUI does it for me.

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I found the grid incredibly annoying, especially when I had to scroll sideways. Thats worse than scrolling up and down in my book lol. SkyUi makes it more or less a better version of Oblivions, which is fine by me.


I do miss the ability to have a char model on the side so that you can see what you are doing. I know it is possible to see through the menu, but that is dependant on good lighting and positioning.

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You could expand the grid window though, couldn't you? That's what I did whenever I started getting that much stuff. At least, I think I remember that... lol.


I *really* didn't like oblivions - the color took the immersion right out of the game for me, made it feel wayy too cartoonish, but at the same time, l'm not sure l'd like this ui as a console user either. it's simply...awkward, no matter how I look at it. Even if I were using a controller, i'd still end up hvaing to scroll through an astronomically long list of items after a bit of gameplay.

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